Bachelor in Electrical Power Engineering
- Grados
- Bachelor's Degrees
- Bachelor in Electrical Power Engineering

- Duration
- 4 years (240 ECTS credits)
- Centre
- Language
- Bilingual, Spanish
- Comments
Deputy Director for the Bachelor: Jorge Martín Crespo
This degree prepares for Techical Industrial Engineer with specialization in Electricity Order CIN/351/2009
The Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering offers students a solid foundation in the basic disciplines of mathematics and physics, knowledge common to all area of industrial engineering and other specific knowledge about electricity, including the use of advanced tools based on new technologies.
This degree offers numerous professional opportunities in different areas such as the development of electrical systems (high and low tension), management and maintenance of electrical infrastructures, design of machines and power plants (especially those with a primary renewable source) and control of power systems.
This UC3M degree authorizes the graduate to work as a regulated technical industrial engineer.
On the international level, UC3M is among the 200 best universities in the world in the area of electrical and electronic engineering, according to the QS World University Ranking, and has the EUR-ACE quality seal, the most important engineering accreditation in Europe.
In addition, students can carry out curricular internships in leading companies of the industry as well as academic exchanges at many world-class international universities.
Employability and profesional internships
UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.
A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).
International Excellence
- Language requirement: a B2 level of English language must be accredited before finishing the studies. More information.
Year 1 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Linear Algebra | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Calculus I | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Programming | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Physics I | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Writing and communication skills | 3 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Skills: Humanities | 3 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Year 1 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Physics II | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Engineering Graphics | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Calculus II | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Chemical basis of engineering | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Statistics | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Year 2 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Thermal Engineering | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Industrial Automation | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Electrical power engineering fundamentals | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Mechanics of Structures | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Fundamentals of transient phenomena in power grids | 3 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Skills: Humanities II | 3 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Year 2 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Electronics engineering fundamentals | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Materials science and engineering | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Engineering fluid mechanics | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Introduction to engineering management | 6 | BC | ![]() ![]() |
Production and manufacturing systems | 3 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Environmental Technology | 3 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Year 3 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
High voltage power lines and substations | 6 | C | ![]() |
Industrial Electronics | 6 | C | ![]() |
Magnetic circuits and transformers | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Control Engineering | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Machine Mechanics | 6 | C | ![]() |
Year 3 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Soft skils | 1,5 | C | ![]() |
Electrical Installations | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Information Skills | 3 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Advanced knowledge of Spreadsheets | 1,5 | C | ![]() |
Electric Power Systems | 6 | C | ![]() |
Electric rotating machines | 6 | C | ![]() ![]() |
Electives: Recommended 6 credits | No data | No data | No data |
Year 4 - Semester 1
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Electrical power system protection | 6 | C | ![]() |
Electric power stations I | 6 | C | ![]() |
Electricity Markets | 6 | C | ![]() |
Wind and photovoltaic generation | 6 | C | ![]() |
Control of electrical drives | 6 | C | ![]() |
Year 4 - Semester 2
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Electric power stations I | 6 | C | ![]() |
Bachelor Thesis | 12 | BT | ![]() ![]() |
Industrial Organization | 3 | C | ![]() |
Technical Office | 3 | C | ![]() |
Electives: Recommended 6 credits | No data | No data | No data |
Subjects | ECTS | TYPE | Language |
Home and building electronic systems and lighting | 6 | E | ![]() |
Computer-aided power system modelling | 6 | E | ![]() |
Hybrid electric power systems | 6 | E | ![]() |
High voltage engineering | 6 | E | ![]() |
Digital systems applied to electrical power engineering | 6 | E | ![]() |
Electrical networks management | 6 | E | ![]() |
Professional Internships | 6 | E | ![]() |
Smart grids management | 6 | E | ![]() |
BC: Basic Core
C: Compulsory
E: Electives
BT: Bachelor Thesis
- Exchange programs
Exchange programs
The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.
These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.
- European mobility
European mobility
- Non european mobility
Non European Mobility
Profile and career opportunities
- Entry profile
Entry profile
The student must have a solid prior education, particularly in mathematics, chemistry, physics and graphical representation. Observational and analytical skills, capacity and speed in mathematical calculations and quantifiable problem solving, as well as logical and abstract reasoning are also very important. Moreover, it is advisable to possess the capability to establish relationships between observable reality and its description through mathematical models.
Personal attitudes of initiative, ability to cooperate on a team, individual work organization, ability to work under pressure, leadership, responsibility and interest in the practical application of knowledge in order to solve real problems are highly valued. Finally, specific skills in computers, instruments or equipment handling will be widely used during the years of study and afterwards.
- Graduate profile
Graduate profile
The profile of the graduates of this degree is set with the learning outcomes achieved, including, first, knowledge and understanding of the general fundamentals of engineering and, in particular, those related to electric power engineering. Graduates will be able to carry out a process of analysis to solve problems in the field of electric power engineering with initiative, decision making capability, creativity and critical thinking. They will face the design of industrial products, electrical machinery, electrical facilities in low, medium and high voltage (LV, MV and HV), power plants, and power transmission lines that should meet the required specifications, and will also have abilities to collaborate with other professionals in related technologies within multidisciplinary teams.
Moreover, graduates will be able to conduct research and carry out innovative contributions in the field of electric power engineering. In addition, graduates will be competent to apply their knowledge and understanding to solve problems and design devices or processes in the field of electric power engineering, according to cost, quality, safety, efficiency and environmental constraints criteria. Finally, this degree provides the graduates generic skills required for the practice of engineering in today's society: communication of knowledge (oral and written) to both specialist and non-specialist audience, working in multidisciplinary and international teams, continuous learning that enables them to adapt to new situations, etc.
This degree is oriented towards the following professional profiles:
- Developing electrical engineering projects: lines, substations, MV and LV facilities, electrical equipment of industrial facilities and industrial plants, etc.
- Electric power systems operation, control and supervision.
- Maintenance of the power grid and electrical equipment in HV, MV and LV.
- Design, construction and operation of electromechanic systems (motors and generators) and drives.
- Dimensioning, construction and setting up of electrical generation systems, especially those powered by renewable energies.
- Analysis of industrial automation and power electronic systems.
Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Power Engineering
RA1.1: knowledge and understanding of the scientific and mathematical principles underlying their branch of engineering.
RA1.2: A systematic understanding of the key aspects and concepts of their branch of engineering.
RA1.3: Coherent knowledge of their branch of engineering including some at the forefront of the branch.
RA1.4: Awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering.
RA2.1: The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using established methods.
RA2.2: The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to analyse engineering products, processes and methods.
RA2.3: The ability to select and apply relevant analytic and modelling methods.
RA3.1: The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to develop and realise designs to meet defined and specified requirements.
RA3.2: An understanding of design methodologies, and an ability to use them.
RA4.1: The ability to conduct searches of literature, and to use data bases and other sources of information.
RA4.2: The ability to design and conduct appropriate experiments, interpret the data and draw conclusions.
RA4.3: Workshop and laboratory skills.
RA5.1: The ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods.
RA5.2: The ability to combine theory and practice to solve engineering problems.
RA5.3: An understanding of applicable techniques and methods, and of their limitations.
RA5.4: An awareness of the non-technical implications of engineering practice.
RA6.1: Function effectively as an individual and as a member of a team.
RA6.2: Use diverse methods to communicate effectively with the engineering community and with society at large.
RA6.3: Demonstrate awareness of the health, safety and legal issues and responsibilities of engineering practice, the impact of engineering solutions in a societal and environmental context, and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
RA6.4: Demonstrate an awareness of project management and business practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations.
RA6.5: Recognise the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent, lifelong learning.
General skills of the Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Power Engineering
Basic Skills
CB1 Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio
CB2 Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio
CB3 Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética
CB4 Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado
CB5 Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía
General Skills
COCIN1 Capacidad para la redacción, firma y desarrollo de proyectos en el ámbito de la ingeniería industrial que tengan por objeto la construcción, reforma, reparación, conservación, demolición, fabricación, instalación, montaje o explotación de: estructuras, equipos mecánicos, instalaciones energéticas, instalaciones eléctricas y electrónicas, instalaciones y plantas industriales y procesos de fabricación y automatización.
COCIN2 Capacidad para la dirección de actividades de proyectos de ingeniería que tengan por objeto la construcción, reforma, reparación, conservación, demolición, fabricación, instalación, montaje o explotación de: estructuras, equipos mecánicos, instalaciones energéticas, instalaciones eléctricas y electrónicas, instalaciones y plantas industriales y procesos de fabricación y automatización.
COCIN3 Conocimiento en materias básicas y tecnológicas, que les capacite para el aprendizaje de nuevos métodos y teorías, y les dote de versatilidad para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones.
COCIN4 Capacidad de resolver problemas con iniciativa, toma de decisiones, creatividad, razonamiento crítico y de comunicar y transmitir conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas en el campo de la Ingeniería Industrial.
COCIN5 Conocimientos para la realización de mediciones, cálculos, valoraciones, tasaciones, peritaciones, estudios, informes, planes de labores y otros trabajos análogos.
COCIN6 Capacidad para el manejo de especificaciones, reglamentos y normas de obligado cumplimiento.
COCIN7 Capacidad de analizar y valorar el impacto social y medioambiental de las soluciones técnicas.
COCIN8 Capacidad para aplicar los principios y métodos de la calidad.
COCIN9 Capacidad de organización y planificación en el ámbito de la empresa, y otras instituciones y organizaciones.
COCIN10 Capacidad de trabajar en un entorno multilingüe y multidisciplinar.
COCIN11 Conocimiento, comprensión y capacidad para aplicar la legislación necesaria en el ejercicio de la profesión de Ingeniero Técnico Industrial
Transversal Skills
CT1 Capacidad de comunicar los conocimientos oralmente y por escrito, ante un público tanto especializado como no especializado.
CT2 Capacidad de establecer una buena comunicación interpersonal
CT3 Capacidad de organizar y planificar su trabajo, tomando las decisiones correctas basadas en la información disponible, reuniendo e interpretando datos relevantes para emitir juicios dentro de su área de estudio.
CT4 Motivación y capacidad para dedicarse a un aprendizaje autónomo de por vida, que les permita adaptarse a nuevas situaciones.
Specific Skills
ECRT1 Capacidad para el cálculo y diseño de máquinas eléctricas.
ECRT2 Conocimientos sobre control de máquinas y accionamientos eléctricos y sus aplicaciones.
ECRT3 Capacidad para el cálculo y diseño de instalaciones eléctricas de baja y media tensión.
ECRT4 Capacidad para el cálculo y diseño de instalaciones eléctricas de alta tensión.
ECRT5 Capacidad para el cálculo y diseño de líneas eléctricas y transporte de energía eléctrica.
ECRT6 Conocimiento sobre sistemas eléctricos de potencia y sus aplicaciones.
ECRT7 Conocimiento aplicado de electrónica de potencia.
ECRT8 Conocimiento de los principios de la regulación automática y su aplicación a la automatización industrial.
ECRT9 Capacidad para el diseño de centrales eléctricas.
ECRT10 Conocimiento aplicado sobre energías renovables.
ECRTFG1 Ejercicio original a realizar individualmente y presentar y defender ante un tribunal universitario, consistente en un proyecto en el ámbito de las tecnologías específicas de la Ingeniería Industrial de naturaleza profesional en el que se sinteticen e integren las competencias adquiridas en las enseñanzas.
CEB1 Capacidad para la resolución de los problemas matemáticos que puedan plantearse en la ingeniería. Aptitud para aplicar los conocimientos sobre: álgebra lineal; geometría; geometría diferencial; cálculo diferencial e integral; ecuaciones diferenciales y en derivadas parciales; métodos numéricos; algorítmica numérica; estadística y optimización.
CEB2 Comprensión y dominio de los conceptos básicos sobre las leyes generales de la mecánica, termodinámica, campos y ondas y electromagnetismo y su aplicación para la resolución de problemas propios de la ingeniería.
CEB3 Conocimientos básicos sobre el uso y programación de los ordenadores, sistemas operativos, bases de datos y programas informáticos con aplicación en ingeniería.
CEB4 Capacidad para comprender y aplicar los principios de conocimientos básicos de la química general, química orgánica e inorgánica y sus aplicaciones en la ingeniería.
CEB5 Capacidad de visión espacial y conocimiento de las técnicas de representación gráfica, tanto por métodos tradicionales de geometría métrica y geometría descriptiva, como mediante las aplicaciones de diseño asistido por ordenador
CEB6 Conocimiento adecuado del concepto de empresa, marco institucional y jurídico de la empresa. Organización y gestión de empresas.
CER1 Conocimientos de termodinámica aplicada y transmisión de calor. Principios básicos y su aplicación a la resolución de problemas de ingeniería.
CER2 Conocimientos de los principios básicos de la mecánica de fluidos y su aplicación a la resolución de problemas en el campo de la ingeniería. Cálculo de tuberías, canales y sistemas de fluidos.
CER3 Conocimientos de los fundamentos de ciencia, tecnología y química de materiales. Comprender la relación entre la microestructura, la síntesis o procesado y las propiedades de los materiales.
CER4 Conocimiento y utilización de los principios de teoría de circuitos y máquinas eléctricas.
CER5 Conocimientos de los fundamentos de la electrónica.
CER6 Conocimientos sobre los fundamentos de automatismos y métodos de control.
CER7 Conocimiento de los principios de teoría de máquinas y mecanismos.
CER8 Conocimiento y utilización de los principios de la resistencia de materiales
CER9 Conocimientos básicos de los sistemas de producción y fabricación.
CER10 Conocimientos básicos y aplicación de tecnologías medioambientales y sostenibilidad
CER11 Conocimientos aplicados de organización de empresas.
CER12 Conocimientos y capacidades para organizar y gestionar proyectos. Conocer la estructura organizativa y las funciones de una oficina de proyectos.
CEP1 Capacidad para diseñar un sistema, componente o proceso del ámbito de la ingeniería eléctrica, para cumplir con las especificaciones requeridas.
CEP2 Conocimiento y capacidad para aplicar herramientas computacionales y experimentales para el análisis y cuantificación de problemas de ingeniería eléctrica
CEP3 Capacidad para diseñar y realizar experimentos y para analizar e interpretar los datos obtenidos.
- External internships
External internships
This is a selection where students of this degree can do their internships:
- Ecoled Desarrollos S.L.
- Jomarfan Electricidad
- Abb Electrification Solution S.L.U.
- Elecnor S.A.
- Asea Brown Boveri S.A.
- Selca Sistemas Eléctricos y Cableados S.L.
- Knorr-Bremse España S.A.
- Anesca Servicios Energéticos S.L.U.
- Schindler S.A.
- Baimelek S.L.
- Montajes Eléctricos Garrote S.L.
- Electrofil Oeste Distribution S.L.
- El Corte Inglés S.A.
- Applus Norcontrol S.L.U.
- Ingenieros Emetres S.L.P.
- Schneider Electric España S.A.
- Patentes Talgo S.L.
- Career opportunities
Career opportunities
- Sizing, construction and commissioning of power generation systems, with special emphasis on those using renewable sources (mainly photovoltaic and wind).
- Design, control and operation of smart grids (renewable energies-batteries-electric car).
- Operation, control and supervision of the electrical system.
- Electrical engineering projects: lines, substations, MV and LV installations, electrical equipment for industrial facilities and plants, etc.
- Maintenance of HV, MV and LV electrical networks, equipment and machinery.
- Design, construction, commissioning and operation of electromechanical systems (motors and generators) and drives.
Study in english
Studies with bilingual option
In this degree, the university offers the opportunity to study in English more than half of the subjects of the studies program. Once you have been admitted, you will choose, at the time of enrollment, the language in which you will study in accordance with the following conditions:
- In groups in English, all works (classes, drills, exercises, tests, etc.) will be conducted in English.
- Along the first year, it must be established an English B2 level, performing a test, providing one of the supported official certificates or any way determined by the university. In the first weeks of the course will inform students how they can prove their level.
- The courses offered in English are in the studies program.
- In case there are more applications than places available in English, interested persons will be ranked according to their admission grade.
- If you are enrolled in English and exceed at least 50% of the credits offered at the UC3M, in the DS appear a mention of bilingual studies.
Facts about this bachelor's degree
Year of implementation: 2008
Places offered:
- Leganes Campus: 40
Official Code: 2500188
Bachelor's Degree Quality indicators
Link to publication in Official universities, centres and degrees registry
Evaluation and monitoring
Verification report of the Bachelor's Degree in Electric Engineering
Report of modifications and accreditations of the Bachelor in Electrical Power Engineering
System of Internal Quality Assurance
Departments involved in teaching
In the Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Power Engineering teach courses the following University departments:
- Electrical Engineering Department
- Electronic Technology Department
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- Thermal and Fluids Engineering Departmenmt
- Mathematics Department
- Systems Engineering and Automation Department
- Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department
- Physics Department
- Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis Department
- Departamento de Informática
- Statistics Department
- Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department
- Library and Information Sciences Department