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Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Forempleo 2024

Forempleo 2024 doubles the number of attendees compared to last year's event

Teresa Perales

Athlete Teresa Perales inaugurates UC3M's Healthy Universities Week

Día Internacional de la Salud Mental


International Mental Health Day

imagen captura vídeo _Conoce la UC3M

Come to UC3M

Knowledge for society

Knowledge for society

**NUEVO** Grado en Neurociencia

UC3M offers the first Degree in Neuroscience in Spain

We celebrate the VI Entrepreneurship Week, Get to know the initiatives on entrepreneurship that take place at UC3M. From 21 to 26 October

Enjoy your university experience at the UC3M Residence Halls. Find out about available places for the second semester. More information

Sign up for our technology workshops for secondary and high school students. 22 November at the Leganés Campus. +info and registration

V Gymkana The Science of Data aimed at secondary school students. Activity dedicated to the figure of the economist Claudia Goldin. More information and registration

Open call for non-European mobility for undergraduate students. Further information

Take part in the UC3M students delegate elections. More information

You can support the University's development cooperation projects and activities by making a one-off or regular contribution. Further information

Find out about the Social Council's grants for laptop on loans. Further information


UC3M Events