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Dual Bachelor in Journalism and Humanities Studies

Periodismo y Humanidades
5 and a half years (360 ECTS credits)

Vice Dean for the Bachelor: Carlos Maciá Barber


The Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Humanities shapes professionals who undertake their informative tasks based on knowledge of different languages and journalistic means of communication in any medium, who are likewise able to understand world events thanks to their critical eye.

The fusion of the degrees in Journalism and Humanities helps students understand the constantly changing social environment and provides them with well-rounded knowledge to face the challenges of the future with reliability and rigor. The training enables them to decipher historical and contemporary events with the knowledge that humanistic, interdisciplinary studies provides. These studies might broach culture, communication, international studies, human resources or humanitarian policies, among other fields.

These ground-breaking studies in Spain include all the content that is taught in both degree programs separately. At the end of the programs, students will receive two degrees, one in Journalism and another in Humanities, which undeniably is an asset to their employability.

Employability and profesional internships

UC3M has agreements with over 3000 companies and institutions in which students can undertake internships and access job openings.

A total of 93.4 % of graduates from this University enter the job market the first year after finishing their studies, according to the 2019 XXIV Estudio de Inserción Profesional (Professional Placement Study).


International Excellence

QS Europe Ranking
QS Graduate Employability Ranking
The Global University Employability Ranking and Survey
Erasmus Plus



  • Exchange programs

    Exchange programs

    The Erasmus programme permits UC3M first degree and post graduate students to spend one or several terms at one of the European universities with which UC3M has special agreements or take up an Erasmus Placement, that is a work placement or internship at an EU company. These exchanges are funded with Erasmus Grants which are provided by the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Education.

    The non-european mobility program enables UC3M degree students to study one or several terms in one of the international universities with which the university has special agreements. It also has funding from the Banco Santander and the UC3M.

    These places are offered in a public competition and are awarded to students with the best academic record and who have passed the language threshold  (English, French, German etc..) requested by the university of destination.

  • European mobility

    European mobility

  • Non european mobility

    Non european mobility

Profile and career opportunities

  • Entry profile

    Entry profile

    • Observation skills, interest and curiosity in learning about and understanding the world and the people around them.
    • Ability to differentiate between conjecture and opinion based on fact, between prejudice and judgement which is supported by evidence.
    • Keeping up on a daily basis with the media as a response to the need to be “informed” Critical analysis and epistemological distancing from them.
    • A liking for the different types of journalistic reporting, in the different media forms.
    • Communication skills through either oral and written words or images.
    • Awareness of the need to attain a high level of command of language.
    • Humility and self-discipline in the learning process; desire to gain access to new areas of knowledge and being, without obstacles or prejudice.
    • Enthusiasm for learning and understanding.
    • Awareness of the need to access knowledge from the humanities and science which this training presupposes and demands.
    • Respect for others above any desire to distance oneself or any feeling of superiority.
    • Curiosity for history, thought, culture and art in their various manifestations.
    • Be conscious of the responsibility they hold as agents of social improvement.
  • Graduate profile

    Graduate profile

    • Students who complete the dual degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication will be professionals qualified to perform any information job in any communication media and any format: written press, TV, radio, online and in the multimedia area.
    • In particular, the digital communication world of the XXI century demands:
    • Professionals with an all-purpose education, who know how to prepare information adapted to the style and format requisites of any medium. Be incorporated into transdisciplinary teams, contributing with a flexible and open attitude. Make use of the ideas studied from an interdisciplinary perspective.
    • Journalists with a general education, that is, professionals with criteria to recognize newsworthiness of an event or occurrence, no matter what area it takes place in.
    • Journalists specialized in their areas, who must be experts in gathering and accrediting information, searching for resources and sources and writing news stories that interest and benefit the public, who go further in-depth in their specialized subjects of expertise, from the most generic (economics, social, political, international, local…) to the most specific (scientific and environmental, parliamentary, courts, sports, conflict situations and social violence –terrorism, abuse, religion, housing-…).
    • Journalists whose sensitivity, the result of knowledge, makes them creators of media content that transmits general and specific knowledge, letting the public know and recognize the framework of realities that make up the world they have to live in.
    • A specific aspect of the graduates’ professional profile is that of institutional and company communicators. This branch of expert communicators for Communication Offices of companies and institutions is important in the professional placement of our students. Advise public and private institutions.
    • Join international organizations involved in research, education and the transfer of Spanish culture. Become part of the education system as teachers at the secondary school and higher education levels. Participate in publishing projects and promote companies specializing in culture and the arts. Participate in publishing projects and promote companies specializing in culture and the arts.

    General skills of the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism


    CB1        Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study

    CB2        Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.

    CB3        Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements which include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

    CB4        Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

    CB5        Students will have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.



    CG1       Knowledge of the basics of journalistic information, the configuration of the media system, and society¿s participative/communicational model in the access to journalistic information

    CG2       Ability to use language correctly. Knowledge of the Spanish language in its journalistic uses. Accuracy in oral and written expression through the communication media in professional facets as spokespersons

    CG3       Ability to synthesize social issues. Knowledge and use of tools and technologies to enable reporting on social problems and offering solutions to said problems.

    CG4       Knowledge and use of technological resources to produce and disseminate journalistic information. Ability to understand and manage web-based communication innovations. Knowledge of management of user communities generated regarding this information

    CG5       Ability to manage documentation processes, and access data and sources in order to produce quality journalistic information. Ability to manage Big Data and capacity to communicate the results.

    CG6       Acquisition of a high degree of learning in the area of social sciences and humanities, as well as sufficient knowledge in the technical-scientific area so as to transmit information related to these fields to the society at large, and to be able to contextualize this information.

    CG7       Knowledge of principal media communication theories from a diachronic perspective with the coexistence of different conceptual repertoires and cross-disciplinary methodologies where communication theory is forged. Ability to update theoretical concepts in the student¿s daily media experience

    CG8       Knowledge of the basic features of media systems within a globalized framework and the effects on journalistic information of an economy of means focused on the constitution of polyvalent large groups of communication

    CG9       Knowledge of the role of journalistic information, in all types of written and audiovisual media, as well as in social networks, as a generator of social opinion flow and as a contributor or buffer to the historical process of social change

    CG10     Ability to manage journalistic information based on the perspective of pluralism, democratic principles, human rights, and effective equality between women and men, promoted through exemplary practice of the profession. Knowledge of the legal and juridical framework of the right to freedom of expression, together with the entire range of good professional practices



    CT1        Ability to work on teams of a multidisciplinary and international nature as well as organizing and planning work, making appropriate decisions based on available information, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make sound judgements and engage in critical thinking within the area of study

    CT2        Ability to correctly present and write on a subject or to compose a speech following a logical order, providing accurate information and in accordance with established grammatical and lexical rules and norms.

    CT3        Ability to evaluate the reliability of information and its sources, using it in an ethical way, avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with academic and professional conventions in the area of study.

    CT4        Acquisition of basic humanistic knowledge to enable the student to round out his/her transversal education.

    CT5        Knowledge and ability to manage interpersonal skills involving initiative and responsibility, negotiation, emotional intelligence, etc., as well as calculation tools in order to consolidate basic technical skills required in the entire professional ambit.


    SPECIFIC SKILLS              

    CE1        Ability to deal with journalistic information in different media (press, radio, TV, Internet, communication centers), always based on polyvalent learning that enables the student to adapt to the multimedia journalistic requirements and control of technological-informative specifications to the different types of media

    CE2        Ability to write journalistic texts of an informative and interpretive nature according to scientific method and in line with good professional practices, social responsibility and for the benefit of society at large

    CE3        Ability to manage, within the framework of the different journalistic genres, matters of general interest and public importance whose central axes are issues involving violence and conflict of a structural nature (gender violence, cultural and/or religious conflicts).

    CE4        Knowledge and application of the principles governing the different branches of specialized journalism, such as documentation processes and specific source systems

    CE5        Acquisition and ability to apply the informative component to graphic design and acquisition of infographic competencies, as well as basic IT knowledge for use in different techniques applied to journalism and to digital image treatment.

    CE6        Ability to undertake entrepreneurial journalism projects, to manage human resources and to administer resource material. Capacity to generate, manage and organize all types of communication processes for businesses and institutions

    CE7        Acquisition of speaking and broadcasting skills adapted to informative needs, especially in audio, video and transmedia processes.

    CE8        Development of competencies to enable the appropriateness of editorial and advertising contents for informative media to be determined, and control of legal and juridical principles governing advertising activity in informative media and the systems establishing advertising costs and investment

    CE9        Knowledge to individually analyze, design and defend a solution to a problem the interdisciplinary area of the degree program, applying the knowledge, skills, tools and strategies acquired and developed within the study program.


    General skills of the Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities

    Basic Skills

    CB1        Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study.

    CB2        Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study. 

    CB3        Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements which include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

    CB4       Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

    CB5       Students will have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.


    General Skills

    CG1       Acquire the essential knowledge of the various subjects of the humanities disciplines: History, Art, Philosophy, Literature, Spanish Language, Languages, Geography and Classical Culture; of their epistemological evolution and of the relationship of each one with related scientific disciplines, starting from the knowledge acquired in secondary education and up to a level that guarantees knowledge of the state-of-the-art in the study of the Humanities.

    CG2       To develop the linguistic and cultural competences of their community language.

    CG3       Acquire the different methods of analysis, synthesis, research and thought corresponding to the humanities disciplines studied.

    CG4       Learning to produce ¿knowledge¿ related to the various humanities subjects.

    CG5      Knowing how to approach humanistic problems and content from a rigorous and effective interdisciplinary perspective.

    CG6       Acquiring the ability to introduce and apply critical thinking when analysing information, data, ideas, opinions and concepts related to the world of the Humanities.

    CG7       To acquire the ability to prioritise and select ideas, opinions, data and information.

    CG8       Acquiring the ability to tackle problems and provide solutions concerning issues related to humanities disciplines.

    CG9       Acquiring and developing the information and knowledge management skills inherent to the technological environment, inherent to the contemporary world, in which their studies are carried out and in which they will be employed after obtaining the degree.

    CG10     To have developed the necessary learning skills to be able to undertake professional work and postgraduate studies with a high degree of autonomy.


    Transversal Skills

    CT1        Being able to work in multidisciplinary and international teams and to organise and plan work, making the right decisions based on the information available, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make judgements and critical thinking within the area of study.

    CT2        To be able to correctly explain and write a topic or compose a discourse following a logical order, providing accurate information and in accordance with established grammatical and lexical rules.

    CT3        Be able to assess the reliability and quality of information and its sources, using such information in an ethical manner, avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with the academic and professional conventions of the area of study

    CT4        To be able to engage in lifelong autonomous learning, enabling adaptation to new situations.

    CT5        To be able to handle interpersonal skills on initiative and responsibility, negotiation, emotional intelligence, etc. as well as calculation tools that allow the consolidation of the basic technical skills required in any professional field.


    Specific Skills

    CE1        Knowing and being able to define and relate the concepts, limits and sources of the subjects concerning humanistic disciplines, as well as knowing the main lines of work and analysis of history, geography, culture, thought and language.

    CE2        Knowing and being able to interpret texts, materials and creations linked to the world of thought, history, geography, theoretical reflection, culture and art, through their correct spatio-temporal contextualisation.

    CE3        Being able to identify and analyse common processes, throughout history, in the relations between society and its intellectual, artistic and cultural productions.

    CE4        Being able to produce analytical texts, essays and reports with rigour and applying a scientific method in accordance with good research and professional practices

    CE5        To be able to apply rigorous and effective methods of analysis to understand situations, processes, conflicts and problems in today's world in order to enrich common points of view and opinions.

    CE6        To be able to relate the theoretical knowledge acquired with other forms of artistic and intellectual expression, through the application of the interpretative skills acquired in the degree studies.

    CE7        Learning and being able to apply the interdisciplinary approach of the degree in related disciplines, both in the world of culture and in the world of thought, communication, historical and geographical studies and creation and representation.

    CE8        Being able to link and apply the knowledge and skills acquired to tools and media based on the use of new technologies.

    CE9        Being able to adapt and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in professional and business projects, individual or collective, linked to the world of culture, communication, education and cooperation.

    CE10      Knowing how to analyse, develop and defend individually a problem in the disciplinary field of the degree, applying the knowledge, skills, tools and strategies acquired or developed in it.

    Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism

    1. Haber adquirido conocimientos, tanto teóricos como prácticos avanzados y demostrado una comprensión de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos y de la metodología de trabajo propia de la ciencia periodística con una profundidad que llegue hasta la vanguardia del conocimiento.

    2. Poder, mediante argumentos o procedimientos elaborados y sustentados por ellos mismos, aplicar sus conocimientos, la comprensión de estos y sus capacidades de resolución de problemas en ámbitos periodísticos complejos o profesionales especializados que requieren el uso de ideas creativas e innovadoras

    3.Tener la capacidad de recopilar e interpretar datos e informaciones sobre las que fundamentar sus conclusiones incluyendo, cuando sea preciso y pertinente, la reflexión sobre asuntos de índole social, científica o ética en el ámbito del periodismo.

    4.Ser capaces de desenvolverse en situaciones complejas o que requieran el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones tanto en el ámbito académico como laboral o profesional dentro del ámbito periodístico.

    5.Saber comunicar a todo tipo de audiencias (especializadas o no) de manera clara y precisa, conocimientos, metodologías, ideas, problemas y soluciones en el ámbito del periodismo. Así como comunicar informaciones de actualidad que aporten conocimiento a la sociedad


    6. Ser capaces de identificar sus propias necesidades formativas para desarrollar la actividad periodística en un entorno laboral o profesional y de organizar su propio aprendizaje con un alto grado de autonomía en todo tipo de contextos específicos (estructurados o no).

    Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities

    RA1. Have acquired advanced theoretical and practical knowledge and demonstrated an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and working methodologies of the Humanities, so as to achieve a high level of knowledge generation.

    RA2. Be able, by means of arguments or procedures developed and supported by themselves, to apply their knowledge, understanding and problem-solving skills in complex areas concerning the Humanities, including specialised professional activities requiring the use of creative and innovative ideas.

    RA3. Have the ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base their conclusions, including, where necessary and relevant, reflection on social, scientific or ethical issues in the field of the Humanities.

    RA4. Be able to cope with complex situations or those requiring the development of new solutions in the academic, professional or work environment within the field of the Humanities.

    RA5. Know how to communicate knowledge, methodologies, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of the Humanities to all types of audiences (specialised or not) in a clear and precise manner, as well as to provide quality information and diagnoses related to Humanities subjects.

    RA6. To be able to identify their own training needs in order to develop activities related to the humanities in work or professional environments, as well as to organise their own learning with a high degree of autonomy in all kinds of contexts, whether structured or not.

  • External internships

    External internships

    External Internships for the Degree in Humanities:

    • Departamento de Visitas del Palacio de la Bolsa de Madrid
    • Fundación Largo Caballero
    • Unidad de Funcionarios Internacionales del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación 
    • Biblioteca Nacional de España
    • Arrebato Libros
    • Metalocus

    External Internships for the Degree in Humanities:

    • Servimedia S.A.
    • Radio televisión Canaria 
    • Agencia EFE
    • Onda Cero Ourense
    • Diario de Teruel
    • Prisa Radio
    • Capital Radio
    • Cadena Ser
    • Jot Down Magazine
    • Diario de Navarra 
    • Diario de León
    • Onda Cero Pontevedra
    • La Nueva España
    • Uniprex Onda Cero Valladoliz
    • Telefónica Broadcast Services
    • OmnicomPublicRelationsGroup
    • Okdiario
    • 13TV S.A.
  • Career opportunities

    Career Opportunities

    Career Opportunities for the Degree in Humanities:

    The Degree in Cultural Studies aims to train professionals capable of understanding the growing complexity of urban and cosmopolitan societies: social movements; leisure industries and cultural consumption as basic drivers of the economy; access to cultural goods; cultural factors in the management of goups in all areas and the semantic complexity of messages in the information society

    They will be able to develop their work as:

    • Analysts, creator, manager in companies and institutions related to the industry and cultural communication, as well as cultural management
    • Research and dissemination ol knowledge.
    • Management of educational and cultural institutions
    • Research in arts and humanities
    • Intercultural relations and cultural diversity management 
    • Territorial development and international cooperation 

    Career Opportunities for the Degree in Journalism:

    • Proofreader of texts and/or styles
    • Copywriter
    • Community Manager
    • Literary editor
    • Web content manager
    • Scriptwriter
    • Press officer
    • Broadcaster
    • TV host
    • Reporter
    • Corporate communications manager
    • Internal communications manager
    • Literary critic
    • Editorial manager
    • Institutional communication offices
    • Communication consultancy
    • Photojournalism
    • Freelance professional

Study in english

Studies with some courses in English

This bachelor's degree is offered in spanish, but you can study some courses in english if you want.

You can check the courses offered in english in the study program.

You don't need a previous level test. If you want to study a course in english, you have to select the english group in the enrollment.

More information about Languages in Degrees