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Code of Ethics and Good Practices

Código ético

Since its creation, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has promoted the ethical principles that derive from its mission as a public university oriented towards excellence in the broadening of knowledge, the comprehensive training of its students and an active commitment to the needs of society. Within the framework of the recent approval of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development by the United Nations, the university community is committed to making "available to the Agenda 2030 its resources, skills, as well as its space of influence at the service of a sustainable global development, not only with respect to ODS 4, but to the 17 objectives set out. Specifically, in the mentioned Objective 4, the necessary inclusion of competencies related to ethical values in favor of social, environmental and economic sustainability is included in the educational model.

This Code of Ethics is the result of a proposal made by a Commission of experts, and is presented as an ethical instrument, not a legal one, and therefore its compliance does not derive from the obligation to comply with the legal system, but from the moral commitment of our university community to comply with the ethical principles that should guide our behavior and be accepted as guidelines that permeate all the objectives and purposes.

With this new tool we want to make our research and training proposal more transparent to society, and we hope that it will become an even more effective instrument to achieve the best possible University.

Ethical Code of the UC3M

guía de las buenas prácticas de la UC3M





The UC3M Statute (articles 115 and 116) contains a list of rights and duties that students must obey. This list is complemented with the UC3M Charter of Rights and Duties of Students, approved by the Council of Government in March 4, 2005, and with the Exam Review Regulations, approved by the Interim Committee in February 16, 1994.

These Rights and Duties, interpreted in conjunction with the current disciplinary regulations, may initiate the corresponding disciplinary record for irregular behaviour of the students in the framework of the activities associated with their university life. In many cases, in the development of these activities, students may commit offenses established by the Penal Code, such as falsifying, defrauding, stealing someone's identity, performing plagiarism, etc.

This Best Practices Guide has been developed to avoid these situations and with the purpose of improving the coexistence at the University and the academic results of the students. This guide remembers behaviours that all students must observe and respect and reflects the spirit marked in the above mentioned documents.

Recommendations in conducting exams or knowledge assessments

recomendaciones examenes uc3m

For the realization of the exams, exercises, and different types of evaluation that the students of Carlos III will take, it is advisable that the teachers inform the students in advance (for example in Aula Global) the following recommendations. The Departments, Areas or the teachers, can also complete these recommendations.

The following recommendations are general rules known by all the members of the academic community, and all the students must act upon them. Although it is advisable to remember them before carrying out any examination exam or evaluation process, the fact that they are not recapped doesn´t mean the students does not have to comply them.

Behavior of the students in the facilities of the University

instalaciones uc3m

In accordance with the Charter of Rights and Duties of UC3M Students, approved by the Council of Government in session of March 4, 2005.

A. All the spaces of the University must be used in a compatible way with the activity that develops in them. Proper and adequate behaviour must be kept, in such a way that it allows the normal performance of the activities and without causing alterations of the order.

B. Students should help to maintain properly the University facilities, especially by throwing papers or other objects at the corresponding trash cans.

C. Correct care must be taken at the University facilities and it's strictly forbidden to make graffiti on walls, floors, tables, chairs, etc..

D. Don't eat or carry drinks to classrooms to keep them clean. All public and private spaces non-smoking.

E. All students of the University must use the Library according to the norms. 

F. Students should observe the instructions and decisions taken by the competent academic authorities regarding the use of spaces for the development of activities and the announcement of their celebration.

Behavior of the Students in the Classes

Comportamiento alumnos en clase

A. All students should arrive promptly in class and wait for the teacher for 15 minutes keeping order. If the teacher would be late, they should wait in silence to avoid hampering the development of the other classes.

B. Once the class has begun, the student can't leave the class until the class ends. If the student needs to leave early, he must inform the teacher in advance and obtain his authorization to withdraw.

C. When entering class, all students must turn off electronic devices, unless the teacher allows the use of some of them (e.g. computers). In any case, the authorization that the teacher grants will be exclusively for the purpose of working on the course taught in class.

D. Mobile phones may not be used during the course of the class, unless authorized by the professor. The teacher may stop the student returning to the classroom if he or she has left to call or receive a call. The professor may also expel from the classroom the student who violates the prohibition of the use of telephones.

E. El alumno debe comportarse en clase correctamente, sin hablar con los compañeros y prestando atención a las explicaciones del profesor. Siempre debe cumplir las normas que el profesor haya establecido para el buen desarrollo de las clases.

F. Los alumnos deben dirigirse con respeto hacia el profesor, sus compañeros y el personal administrativo de la Universidad.

G. Si la conducta de los estudiantes no permite el desarrollo normal de las actividades académicas, el profesor debe llamar al orden pudiendo incluso, solicitar al o los alumnos su identificación y el abandono del aula o dependencia universitaria a los efectos de poder continuar con normalidad la actividad académica. En estos casos el profesor deberá poner inmediatamente en conocimiento los hechos ocurridos al órgano competente con el fin de que éste adopte las medidas correspondientes de acuerdo con la normativa aplicable.

H. Los trabajos que los alumnos elaboren con el objeto de presentárselos al profesor para su evaluación deben ser originales, sin incurrir en plagio. Al igual que se ha señalado anteriormente, en los casos en que resulte acreditado que, con ocasión de la realización de pruebas, ejercicios o exámenes por parte de un estudiante se ha incurrido en una situación de defraudación que impida el ejercicio por los profesores de la potestad de verificación de los conocimientos, se hará constar en el lugar de las mismas destinado a la calificación la mención <<suspenso (0)>> (Acuerdo del Consejo de Dirección de 25 de septiembre de 2002, sobre tratamiento de las situaciones de defraudación en las que pueden haber incurrido los estudiantes en la realización de pruebas, ejercicios o exámenes). Es importante recordar que el plagio es un delito tipificado por el Código Penal.

General clause on action in irregular situations

campus uc3m

All incidents of UC3M students that happen at University facilities should be immediately brought to the attention of the competent authorities. In this way, they can begin to take the relevant measures in accordance with current regulations.

All those students who have some type of problem have at their disposal the appropriate university authority in each of their competences as the coordinator of the course, the degree director, the director of the center and/or the university defender.