Emotional well-being
- Orientación a estudiantes
- Psychological Service
- Emotional well-being

Emotional well-being relates to your subjective experience of feeling good, balanced and calm. Each person aims to feel good about themselves and with the world around them. We search for this feeling of balance and happiness.
In this section, we provide information regarding happiness, the importance of thought, self-esteem and those problems or disorders that distance us from emotional well-being such as depression, anxiety, obsessions, pessimism, frustration, losses, etc.
- Learning to be happy (Seligman). Networks programme.
- Happiness can be manufactured, synthesised, it does not depend on whether or not we get what we want. Dan Gilbert
- Less stuff, more happiness. Graham Hill
- Giving to be happy (Norton) and the balance of happiness. Networking.
- The power of smiling. Ron Gutman
- Networks. Happiness and will. Eduardo Punset
- The state of fluidity. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Money does bring happiness if it is invested in other people but not if it is invested in yourself. Michael Norton
- We are happiest when we live in the present moment. Matt Killingsworth
- The importance of mindfulness, 10 minutes a day makes you happier and healthier. Andy Puddicombe
- The paradox of choice. Too much choice paralyses us and leads to more dissatisfaction. Barry Schwartz
- Optimism by nature (Tali Sharot). Networks
- Videos related to happiness in 4 minutes
- Contagion of emotions. Elsa Punset .
- The components of Happiness. Martin Seligman.
- Short film "El circo de las mariposas" ("The butterfly circus") . The importance of effort and personal struggle to overcome adversity.
Webs, blogs and useful links
- Website of Guillermo Ballenato Prieto, UC3M psychologist.
- Website of the UC3M EPS professor Andrés Barrado. He teaches a humanities course at UC3M called "Happiness: the art of living".
- Blog about positive psychology
Thought and managing emotions
- Dichotomous thinking
- Catastrophising
- All-or-nothing thinking
- Cognitive defusion technique
- How to stop worrying about the future
- Techniques to stop worrying about everything
- The art of not becoming bitter about life. Interviews and some keys to "not becoming bitter" and changing our way of thinking - Rafael Santandreu
- Learning to manage emotions (attention, emotional learning, importance of attachment). Networks Programme . Punset.
- Do you dare to dream - Motivation, getting out of the comfort zone.
- Intelligent optimism
- The importance of thoughts
Webs, blogs and useful links
- Rafael Santandreu's website
- The importance of thought - Ellis's irrational ideas
- Most common cognitive distortions. Changing thinking.
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael SantandreuTécnica de solución de problemas / toma de decisiones
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
- Resumen del libro "El arte de no amargarse la vida" de Rafael Santandreu
Problems regarding mood
- Videos to understand and help you overcome depression
- Bipolar disorder videos
- Networks - Documentary on depression
- Documents TV - the silenced death (about suicide)
- Depression: "I had a black dog".
- Confessions of a depressed comedian. Kevin Breel
- A simple document explaining the causes of depression.
- Self-help guides: What is depression?
- What can I do to help myself if I have depression?
- How can I improve my mood through physical activity?
- Learn how to organise your activities
- Prevention and treatment of pathological grief
- Adult Bereavement Guide
- Information guide for suicide detection and prevention
- Suicide prevention What can I do?
- Suicide prevention for people with suicidal ideation and family members
- Values
- Overcoming apathy. Finding enjoyable activities to overcome depression
- Planning enjoyable activities
- Guidelines for improving "sleep hygiene".
- Psychoeducation manual Bipolar Disorder. Francesc Colom
- Bipolar disorder. An expanded guide for patients and family members. Generalitat Valenciana.
- Guide for relatives. Detection and prevention of suicidal behaviour.
- Programming behavioural activation
- Weekly record of behavioural activation
- Prevention of suicidal behaviour in young people
Webs, blogs and useful links
Problems regarding anxiety
- Videos that in a very clear and scientific way explain many aspects of anxiety problems and how to solve them.
- Documentary of the theme night about stress
- Documents TV - anxiety disorders. "Fear in the body".
- Documentary on obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Relaxation through diaphragmatic breathing
- Belly breathing exercise
- Everything you need to know about anxiety
- Understanding anxiety
- What is panic disorder?
- What is generalised anxiety disorder?
- Coping with stress
- How to cope with worries?
- Learn to relax
- In times of stress, do what matters. An illustrated guide. OMS
- Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD
- Graded exposure
- Panic attacks and panic disorder
- Relaxation techniques - University of Cadiz
- Live exposure techniques
- Psychoeducation of panic symptoms
- Interoceptive exposure
Jornadas de Salud Mental
I Jornadas de Salud Mental en la UC3M
- Inauguración
- Entrevista a Quique Peinado
- ¿Somos la generación de cristal? Alfonso Fernández-Martos Abascal
- Feminismo, deporte y salud mental. Mar García Puig y Ana Sanjuán
- Cuerpo, mente y adaptación al cambio. Ana Franco
- Procrastinación, perfeccionismo y comparación. Los 3 males de la UC3M. Jesús Delfín