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Tuition fees

Persona utilizando un ordenador y un cuaderno sobre una mesa
  • FEES

    Check the amount of ECTS in the section ENROLLMENT, within the ADMISSION tab of your degree: School of Graduate Studies (the fees are conditioned to final approval by the Community of Madrid).

    The total price of a Masters Degree is the sum of tuition fees and administrative fees.

    Indicated fees may be subject to variation depending on the changes approved by the Government of the Community of Madrid. Such variations may also affect the tuition fees of sophomores, and / or the fees of the second and subsequent enrollment fees (failing grade).

    You can check the regulation of the Madrid Region Government which sets the fees for University Public Studies clicking the following link:

    📥 â”‚ Current fees for the 2024/2025 academic year


    Tuition fees are calculated taking into account the following factors:

    a) The number of academic courses of the Master according to their credit:

    • 60 ECTS: 1 academic year
    • 90 / 120 ECTS: 2 academic years

    b) The different fees of the ECTS, depending if it is the first, second or following registrations.

    The fees of the annual tuition is obtained multiplying the number of credits enrolled in first registration and on successive enrollments by the amount approved for the same academic year. This fees may be different for students from the European Union and International Student (Non EU). This situation is indicated in each master program.


    Fees currently in force are the following: *

    Concept Euros
    Student registration 27,54
    Master Degree Certificate 176,27
    University ID card                   6,11
    General administration fees 6,11
    School insurance 1,12

    * DECREE 43/2022, of June 29 (B.O.C.M. July 1) by de Government Council, establishing public fees for university studies.


    Concept Euros
    Master Degree Certificate:  
           - To Spanish official bodies 20,00
           - To European countries official bodies (EU member states) 40,00
           - To European countries official bodies (not EU member states) 50,00
           - To other countries official bodies 55,00
    Any other documentation:  
           - To Spain 15,00
           - To other countries 25,00

    There are three ways of payment of tuition:

    • Direct Debit: you must provide the number of the bank account (including IBAN) from which you wish the direct debit to be made as well as the personal information of the account holder. It needs to be an open account at an institution of the SEPA and IBAN. Also the habitual or academic year residence adress must be from a country of the SEPA, and should be reflected in the section "Personal Data" during the enrollment process. Direct debit payment method is compulsory if you request MEFPyD scholarship.

    • Credit/debit payment (TPV): If you don't have a bank account with the above requirements, you must pay by credit card or debit card. Make sure you have enough credit on it to pay.
    • Direct deposit in a bank or savings bank: (in Spain, Banco Santander) by presenting proof of payment within 10 days of the registration date.


    There is the possibility of deferred payment (available using Direct Debit, deposit in a bank and credit/debit card payment). This option allows payment up to five installments, following the schedule of debits.

    If enrollment date is later than any payment installment, these will be charged at the following installment after the registration.

    Check the price of ECTS in the section ENROLLMENT, within the ADMISSION tab of your degree.

    ☛ The prices are conditioned to final approval by the Community of Madrid.



    To bookmark the condition that appropriate, which is listed below in enrollment (SECTION OF "PAYMENT INFORMATION"), you need to input the documentation available (issued by the competent Spanish administration) in sufficient time and in any case prior to registration, filling this electronic form:

    Large Family

    You will be entitled to the discount by providing a Large Family Title issued by the corresponding Autonomous Community.

    Large family status will entitle you to a discount on tuition prices:

    • General Large Family: 50% reduction in academic and administrative fees
    • Special Large Family: Exemption from academic and administrative fees (100%)

    If you have requested the renewal, the bonus will also be applied if the final degree is in valid on the first day of the academic year.


    You will be exempt from 100% of the academic and administrative fees if you prove a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.

    Students must present to UC3M the official document that grants them the disability recognition through the Recognition Resolution issued by the correspondent Comunidad Autonoma or IMSERSO.

    Victims of terrorist attacks

    Individuals considered victims of terrorist acts, their spouses and children, are exempt from paying all types of academic and administrative fees for official studies.

    Students must present to UC3M the oficial document that grants them the victims of terrorist acts recognition, and when appropiate, the Libro de Familia.

    Victims of gender violence

    Victims of gender violence will be exempt from the payment of fees and public prices for university services, both academic and administrative.

    For these purposes, students who avail themselves of this legal provision must prove their status in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, 2004, on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence.

    Participants in international peace and security operations

    Those who suffer disabling injuries included in the scope of application of Royal Decree-Law 8/2004, of November 5, as well as the children and spouses of the deceased, are exempt from paying all types of academic and administrative fees in the studies leading to the obtaining of a university degree.

    For these purposes, students who avail themselves of this legal provision must provide the university with proof of the administrative resolution by which they have been recognized as such.

    Beneficiaries of the minimum living income

    The beneficiaries of the benefit of the minimum living income who are recognized as such will be exempt from the payment of fees and public prices for university services, both academic and administrative, for studies leading to official degrees. 

    For these purposes, students who avail themselves of this legal provision must provide the university with proof of the administrative resolution recognizing them as beneficiaries of the minimum living income.

    The supporting document must be valid on the first day of classes of the academic year (check the specific academic calendar for each program).

    In case of not having the diploma certifying because of being in resolution period upon request of the student, it must have been done before start of the academic year. If the document has expired and you request renewal after the day following the start date of the course, you will NOT be entitled to price reduction or exemption.


    In the case of being a beneficiary of a scholarship, and having applied for it before finishing your bachelor's degree, the procedure is as follows:

    • Scholarships from the Ministry of Education: To select this condition you must meet the academic requirements requested by the Ministry.
    • Other scholarships: In these cases, you can only select the scholarship holder condition if the administration is aware of the adjudication. If there is any incident, you must provide the appropriate documents to correct it and be able to select the enrollment condition.


    According to the UC3M regulations for enrollment:

    • Students may partially cancel their enrollments, without refund of the prices paid by them, up to two months after the start of each academic semester regarding the subjects that will be taught in that school period.
    • The cancellation of the full registration due to the resignation of the student will not entail the return of the prices paid by it. Exceptionally, when the student communicates his / her resignation before the start of the course and has paid the full registration, he / she will be entitled to the return of 50% of the amount of said enrollment, with the exception of the prices for secretarial services and school insurance that will not be subject to of return in any case.

    In no case will the money for the place reservation be returned.



    The Higher Polytechnic School has a page with all the information regarding the modification and cancellation of registration on its four master's degrees:

    • Telecommunications Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Aeronautical Engineering
    • Informatics Engineering