- Cooperación al Desarrollo
- Noticias
- Presentation of the Report on the Qualification Passport for Refugees and Training Workshop on Recognition of Previous Studies (21 February)
- Registrations open for the BIP: ‘National and European Law in the Migration Context’.
- IX Call for Mobility Grants for Students in Cooperation Group Projects
- Speak for Nature Seminar Series: Constitutional Right to Housing and Anthropocentrism of Duties (Feb. 14)
- Online Seminar: Human Rights in the Digital Age: Experiences from ICT (6th, March)
- New call for applications for the U4Impact Program open (4th April)
- Seminar "Palestine, a doty for the International Community" (19th of November)
- I Agenda 2030 Award to the best Final Degree Project (TFG) and Master's Thesis (TFM) of the UC3M (until November 5th)
- Training course for PDI / PTGAS on Shelter and Inclusion: Shelter Classrooms (November 5, 7 and 12)
- Jornadas "Otras miradas a la inteligencia artificial: Entre lo imposible y lo indeseable" (3 y 4 de octubre)
- Registration open for the course Challenges of today's world: Impact of wars on the Sustainable Development Goals (until September 19)
- Summer School Global Challenge: Camp Zoom (register before 4th of July)
- Seminar “Palestine, an obligation for the international community” (June 17)
- CCourse for PDI and PTGAS: Cooperation or Nothing: Tools for a transformative university cooperation (June 2024. Online)
- Course for staff members: Shelter in Inclusion at the University (June 25 and 27 and July 2)
- Call for grants to strengthen the social and labour insertion of university-educated women refugees or asylum seekers residing in the Community of Madrid (5th june)
- CRUE Statement about the situation in Gaza
- Programa de Voluntariado Let's Chat: Conversación online ne inglés con personas refugiadas (inscripciones hasta el 25 de marzo)
- Conference Women in Resistence (12th of March 2024)
- New regulation on UC3M Cooperation Groups approved
- Erasmus+ Call for Legal Clinics and Migration: short movilities
- Awards for TFG/M in university sustainable innovation (deathline: 31 of May)
- UC3M research studies energy Poverty y Cañada Real
- ReEgister now for the new YUFE Local Volunteering Programs
- Conference "Why is Nature valuable? (Campus de Puerta de Toledo, 25 & 26 of March)
- Diagnostic on energy needs and uses of population in Cañada Real Galiana (15th of november, Leganes Campus)
- Exhibition We are Activists (13-17 November, Leganes Campus)
- Screening of the shortfilm and debate "Residual inteligence" (15th of november)
- Online Course or Specialisation: Afrodescendents in Latin America and Caribe
- Graduate Horizons for graduate Refugees (deadline: 17th of September)
- Global Challenge Autumn School
- Todays World's Challenges: Climate Change multidimensional Impact
- Open insccriptions for Yufe Engagement Programs
Clothes Exchange Meeting in Getafe Campus: You know about Rana Plaza, don't you?
Let's Chat: University volunteering programme with refugees
Hiperión: Immersive theatre on the Sustainable Development Goals
Cooperate or Compete: time to choose. Sustainable fashion and responsible consumpsion in UC3M
YUFE in the Cities local Voluteering programs
LEGATHON: Innovative ideas for integration of disabilitie in Leganés
Seminar in Companies and Human Rights (25/11/2022)
Global Challenge Clothes Exchange #StopBlackFriday
Educational offer on sustainable development for 2022-2023
UC3M Chair on Sustainability, Social Inclusion, Diversity and Human Rights
League of Debate 1Panet4All (register before 18 of April)
The UC3M is awarded a prize for the quality of the internationalisation of its Erasmus+ 2021 project
Seminar on Human Rights and Corruption in the SDGs Framework (Ayacucho, 13th and 14th of December)
Exhibition I am You, You are Me: In the shoes of 6 refugees
New U4Impact open call: TFG/TFM with social impact
UC3M takes part in the University Global Coalition Annual Meeting
Global Challenge Spring School
I am you, you are me: Put on the shoes of nine refugees
New UC3M Agenda for SDGs New UC3M Agenda for compliance with the SDGs
Global Challenge new activities from May 2021
New ERASMUS+ program 2021-2027
Dare to ask: Conversation about Refugees (April-June 2021)
Decent Work Cooperation Group new MOOC
Participating UC3M Masters uc3m with Carolina Foundation Scholarships on its 20th Anniversary
La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has been selected to participate in the EU Careers Ambassador Students initiative.
Global Challenge new activities for 2021
Towards a european sport diplomacy (Tes-D): building a shared framework
Workshop: How to create solidarity campaigns (UNHCR, February 2021)
Agreement between Madrid Region and UC3M for research on energy poverty in Cañada Real Galiana
2020 GlobalChalelnge Activities
YUFE opens its online courses offer
Online Summer School for students planning changing the world (29th of June - 3rd of July)
Guidelines for the University Cooperation for Development 2019-2030
COVID-19: Is Genetics the answer?
#WeHaveSomethingToSay: university students present a manifesto for a fair and sustainable wayout for the crisis
El Curso de Experto en Pueblos Indígenas abre modalidad on-line
ESN International STARawards 2020
UC3m Global Challenge students team organizes a concert in the World Energy Day (14 February)
Campus France visits the UC3M
Global Challenge abre 2020 con un Concurso de Aprendizaje por Retos y el segundo curso on-line sobre Cambio Climático
Se celebra en Aycacucho el II Seminario sobre anticorrupción, Derechos Humanos y Buen Gobierno organizado por la UC3M y la UNSCH
CRUE International Promotional Days
UC3M takes part in VIII Congress about University and Cooperation in Santiago de Compostela
The EU presents its European Universities program
Erasmus + KA107 Project Monitoring Days at UC3M
Global Challenge: Change University to change the World
II Seminary about anticorruption, Human Rights and Good Governance celebrated in Aycacucho by UC3M and UNSCH
The EU presents its European Universities program
Crowdfunding to develop Bindi: a system which detects gender-based violence created in UC3M
Mesa redonda sobre Pobreza Energética en la XIX Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de la UC3M (5 de noviembre)
Global Challenge's online course "Cómo está el patio" (from 28th October to 17th November)
Proyectos UC3M financiados por el programa Erasmus+ en 2019
Encuentro Formativo Global Challenge 2019
Novedades en formación y voluntariado alrededor de la Agenda 2030
Informe de la Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo 2017
Universities and Development Aid Congress, 8th Edition, 27-29 November 2019
7th Edition, Universities Volunteers Awards - submissions open until October 31st
International Fair 2019
Opening Ceremony of the 13th Indian People Expert Title on May 13th
UC3M hosts Youth Speak Forum 2019 about the 2030 Agenda (April 5th)
UC3M takes part in Harvard World Model United Nations 2019 organization
Young Universities for the Future of Europe connects eight universities in as many countries
Intercampus UC3M race funds to be used in reaconditioning UNAN - Managua's Audiovisual Services
UC3M XIII Solidarity Week
UC3M takes part in the last YERUN statement about Horizon Europe 2020
The Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2019 has been published
Solidarity Passport 2018-2019 is launched
Mobility experiences of researchers awarded by YERUN 2018 and new call second edition of these awards "RMAs"
The Right to Food Observatory is presented in Spain
YERUN General Assembly at Brunel University London
UC3M welcomes nearly 2000 international students
UC3M suscribes the Salamanca Statement on Sustainable Development Goals
University Development Cooperation Annual Report 2016
UC3M meets with 70 international universities in NAFSA 2018
The UC3M passes the Spanish Universities' Declaration in favor of Fair Trade and Responsible Consumption
New initiatives aimed at improving mobility and educational opportunities in the EU in 2025
UC3M participates in the partnership for the declaration of the Young Universities for the Future of Europe
Final meeting of the Erasmus Mundus Team Project
The European Commission presents the budget proposal for the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework
The total number of international students UC3M has risen to 1,282 in the 2016/2017 academic year
The United Nations model reaches the UC3M
UC3M successful candidates got the YERUN Research Mobility Awards 2018
Solidarity in February at the UC3M
UC3M and SEGIB contribute to Mexican indigenous leaders higher education
“Welcome Day” UC3M greets 827 new international students
Peruvian judges, police and armed forces recieve training courses in Human Rights
The UC3M becomes part of the European network UNICA
GUCPI Group researchers train indigenous women in Human Rights
UC3M teaching staff train Nicaraguan teachers
Madrid Universities discuss about refugees sheltering
Las universidades madrileñas debaten sobre acogida y refugio
UC3M participates in US Generation Study Abroad
UC3M student at the prestigious Forbes Under 30 Summit in Boston
Erasmus 30th Anniversary