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seminars and courses


The aim of the seminars is to review the economic foundations of competition policies and regulation and to present an overview of the latest developments in competition and regulation economics, both from a theoretical perspective and from the analysis of recent cases.

📥 │ Seminars on Competition Policy

📅 │ February-March 2024

🕓 │ 16:00 - 19:15

 📍  │ Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus





These specialties are carried out in cooperation with distinguished companies in these areas such as OMIE, REE, ENAGAS, Grupo Alsa and Fundación Francisco Corell, taught at the Madrid - Puerta de Toledo Campus.

Language requirements

Core Courses will be conducted in English. Along with the application the student must show proof of proficiency in the English language by submitting the results of either the First Certificate of English from Cambridge ESOL Examinations, or a TOEFL score; or the British Council IELTS (International English Language Testing System). To obtain admission in the Master, the GMAT exam is not necessary.


In-Company work experience

Students might have the opportunity to carry out internships in companies and institutions related to sectors of interest. The internships are supervised by tutors in the companies and institutions.

Among them are: GRUPO ALSA, BBVA, BSCH, Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones, Comisión Nacional de la Energía, Consejo Superior de Cámaras Oficiales de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de España, Consultrans, E-Konómica, ENTER, Fundación Auna, Fundación Cotec, Grupo Telefónica, Iberdrola, MEDUR, MENSOR, NERA, Plataforma Empresarial Eólica, Quality System España, Red Eléctrica, Secretaría de Estado de las Telecomunicaciones, SPIM, SUINSA Medical Systems, S.A., Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia, UNIÓN FENOSA.


Join Profile Recommended

Requirements: Bachelor degree or Engineering degree.
It is not required for applicants to have a degree in Economics or Business Management. Past experience shows that students with backgrounds in Engineering, Physics, etc., have obtained excellent results in the Master program.

It is recommended that applicants dedicate their time exclusively to the program; however, some students do carry on with their professional activities while in the Master.


Closing ceremony of the Master in Industrial Economics and Markets. June 1, 2016.

Closing ceremony of the Master in Industrial Economics and Markets. June 1, 2016.

Closing ceremony of the Master in Industrial Economics and Markets. June 16, 2015.

Closing ceremony of the Master in Industrial Economics and Markets. June 16, 2015..


  • Round Table: "The Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan"
    On April 25 at 5:00 pm in “Salón de Grados” in Campus of Madrid-Puerta de Toledo will take place a round table in reference to the Integrated National Plan of Energy and Climate 2021-2030.

    [+] information
    Mesa Redonda:
    Mesa Redonda: