- Innovación y emprendimiento
- Innovation

The transfer of knowledge and research results, as well as cooperation between university and business are key factors in creating value and the development of society. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), as a global, open and digital University, collaborates with companies and institutions on numerous innovation projects.
R+D+i offer
UC3M knowledge and research results are introduced into the market through its technology offer and the collaboration projects between companies and University research groups.
- Technology portfolio- ORION Search Engine. Digital portfolio with University technologies, patents, software, technical services and capabilities.
- R+D+i Maps. These display shows University research lines of potential interest to the business sector.
- Links of interest
Collaboration with business
The University has links to companies and business, seeking to transfer their R+D+i and to identify needs for solutions or challenges to accelerate business innovation.
- Contracts with companies. Collaboration relationships between the University research groups and companies to:
- Research Chairs. Structures for collaboration between the University and public and private entities for development of knowledge generation, transfer and dissemination activities.
- R+D+i centers. Collaboration with other research entities in project development and specialized centers in different areas.
- Open Innovation. For companies seeking to answer their challenges and looking to collaborate with the University.
- Meetings and forums. UC3M presents its capabilities to the business sector through national and international meetings, events and forums.
- Links of interest
- Proyextos europeos de I+D+i: Horizon 2020 European projects.
- Success stories. Airbus-UC3M Joint Center.
Plataformas y Redes
La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid forma parte de plataformas y redes de innovación en diferentes sectores tanto de ámbito nacional como internacional. Destaca su presencia en la Asociación de Parques Científicos y Tecnológico de España y su participación como uno de los cuatro nodos del programa ESA BIC Comunidad de Madrid, promovido por la Agencia Espacial Europea.
Servicio de Apoyo al Emprendimiento y la Innovación
How to collaborate
To search specific solutions or specific support to an R+D+i line consult: