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Máster de Formación Permanente en Dirección Internacional de Empresas

  • Masters
  • Programs
  • Máster de Formación Permanente en Dirección Internacional de Empresas

School of Continuing Education

Imagen fichas Másteres Propios
Julio Cerviño (UC3M), María Belén Usero Sánchez (UC3M)
Online, On-campus
1 curso académico
Madrid - Puerta de Toledo


"Conde de Campomanes" Institute of Entrepreneurship and Family Business

* Required fields

  • Inicio

    Why the UC3M-MADI of the Carlos III University of Madrid?

    ☛ Quality program if you want to lead global businesses

        ☛ Chosen in 2023 one of the best Business Masters by the ranking of the Spanish newspaper “El Mundo”: the 250 best postgraduate studies in Spain

        ☛ Acreditado internacionalmente por la AACSB

    logotipo AACSB Accredited

        ☛ Consulting to real companies for the internationalization of their businesses

        ☛ Collaboration with John Hopkins University to participate in consulting projects for startups at the UC3M Science Park

        ☛ In collaboration with Taric, a leading provider of customs management solutions in Spain and is part of  WiseTech Global, a worldwide provider of software solutions for teaching the subject of Foreign Trade Techniques.

    logotipo TARIC

    ☛ 10 months duration

    ☛ Format: Classes on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings **

        ☛ In-person mode (Puerta de Toledo Campus, Madrid, Spain)
        ☛ Remote mode (100%)

    Course 2024/25

    ☛ Start date: End September
    ☛ Tuition fee: 6,600 euros (EU and non-EU students)
    ☛ Financial aid options available to fund your UC3M (merit-based scholarships, UC3M alumni, etc.)
    ☛ Sign up for weekly information sessions and campus tours, here

    What will I learn?

    ☛ To reflect on the possibilities of operating in an international context and recognize the opportunities that arise to do business abroad.

    ☛ To design and plan operations abroad through foreign trade or foreign direct investment.

    ☛ To use business management techniques and key digital tools to execute international expansion plans successfully.

    Máster en Dirección Internacional de Empresas UC3M

    Follow UC3M-MADI on social networks:

    Linkedin  Instagram


    The Máster en Formación Permenente en Dirección Internacional de Empresas is structured into 6 blocks of subjects, which also include seminars on different areas of international markets and workshops for business managers on novel topics in the field of international management and foreign trade. The articulation of the Master responds to the following scheme: :


    • Module I: International Economic Environment
    • Module II: International Business Strategy
    • Module III: Marketing and International Market Research
    • Module IV: Financing and International Accounting
    • Module V:  Foreign Trade and International Operations
    • Module VI: Negotiation and Business Communication
    • Master Thesis Project
    • Internships in Companies

    Mapa Mundi UC3M

    Academic Year 1

    First term (september-february)

    • International Business Management (3 credits) (C) (in English)
    • Cross-cultural Management and Leading People (3 credits) (C) (in English)
    • International Marketing (3 credits) (C) (in English)
    • International Business Law (3 credits) (C)  (in English)
    • International Accounting and Finance (3 ECTS) (C) (in English)
    • Global Value Chain, Transportation and Logistics (3 credits) (C)  (in English)
    • Digital Marketing (3 credits) (C)  (in English)

    Second semester (february-june)

    • Entorno económico internacional (3 credits) (C) (in Spanish)
    • Análisis de inversión y financiación de proyectos (3 credits) (C) (in Spanish)
    • Técnicas de comercio exterior (3 credits) (C) (in Spanish) (In collaboration with Taric)
    • Master´s Thesis (12 credits) (C) (in English or Spanish)
    • Country and Regional Seminars (3 credits) (C) (in English or Spanish)
    • e-Business en mercados globales (3 credits) (C) (in Spanish)
    • Investigación de mercados exteriores (3 credits) (C) (in Spanish)
    • Negociación y protocolo internacional (3 credits) (C) (in Spanish)

    Elective subjects (choose 6 credits from the following subjects) *:

    • Control de gestión y auditoría internacional (3 credits) (E) (in Spanish)
    • Fiscalidad Internacional (3 credits) (E) (in Spanish)
    • Internship (3 credits) 

    (C) = Compulsory subjects

    (E) = Elective subjects

    * If the student wishes, they can take all the optional subjects.


    ☛ Request more information about the courses



    Julio Cerviño


    • Co-director del Máster en Dirección Internacional de Empresas (MADI-UC3M)
    • Profesor Titular de Marketing Internacional y Director del Grupo de Investigación MarketinGroup, UC3M.
    • Doctor en Negocios Internacionales y Marca, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid International MBA, Washington University (EE.UU.)
    Belén Usero


    • Co-directora del Máster en Dirección Internacional de Empresas (MADI-UC3M)
    • Profesora visitante de Estrategia, UC3M
    • Subdirectora del Programa de Doctorado en Dirección de Empresas, UC3M
    • Secretaria del Instituto de Iniciativas Empresariales y Empresa Familiar “Conde de Campomanes”, UC3M
    • Doctora en Economía, UC3M
    Virginia Hernández


    • Coordinadora de Redes Sociales en el Máster en Dirección Internacional de Empresas (MADI-UC3M)
    • Profesora Ayudante Doctor de Dirección de Empresas, UC3M
    • Doctora en Dirección de Empresas - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



    Silueta profesor


    • Ph.D Assistant Professor of Public State Law, UC3M
    • Doctor of Law, UC3M
    Carmen Paz


    • Visiting Professor of HHRR.
    • PhD in Business Management - Universidad de Oviedo Managementt.
    • Development Program (PDD), IESE Business School, Madrid.
    Carlos Poza


    • Profesor de Macroeconomía y análisis de entorno económico en la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, ICEX, CECO y UIMP.
    • Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    • Experto en Análisis de Datos en Investigación Social y de Mercados, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciado en Economía, Universidad CEU-San Pablo.
    Antonio Revilla


    • Visiting Professor of Strategy, UC3M.
    • PhD in Business Management – UC3M
    • Master in Social Research Methods, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK).
    Silueta profesor


    • Ph.D Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, UC3M
    • Doctor en Law, UC3M
    Silueta profesora


    • Professor of Commercial Law at UC3M
    • Doctor of Law, UC3M
    • Vice-President for International Relations and Cooperation
    Gregorio Serna


    • Associate professor of Finance, University of Alcalá.
    • PhD in Economics - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


    Silueta profesor


    • Export Area Sales Director at J. Garcia Carrion SA
    • Master in Marketing, IE Business School
    • Expert Degree in Foreign Trade, Universidad de Alicante
    • Degree in Economics and Business, Universidad de Murcia
    Silueta profesor


    • Partner in How2Go Worldwide Business Solutions
    • Partner in Imagine Global
    • Master in Marketing, Cámara de Comercio de Madrid
    • Expert Degree in Foreign Trade, Cámara de Comercio de Madrid
    • Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication, Universidad Europea
    Álvaro Castellls


    • Fundador y director de, y
    • Director en Europa del grupo de consultoría Cisco
    • MBA y MGC por ESEM


    • Managing Partner, DeBruine Ashby.
    • International training and development consultant.
    • Senior Partner with Read Matthews. Director of Training. B.A. International Relations.
    • MBA University of Warwick (England).
    Carlos Enrile


    • Consultor, formador en comercio internacional, generador de contenidos online en
    • Profesor en ICEX – CECO, ESIC, Universidad Pompeu Fabra entre otras
    • Licenciado en Derecho y Máster en Derecho Comunitario

    P_Margita Enriquez Hochreiter



    • Consultant in Logistics and International Transportation
    • Master in Integrated Logistics,,Universidad Pontifica de Comillas (ICAI)
    • Bachelor in Marketing, ESIC
    Bruno Fernandez


    • Managing Director at ENISA, publicly owned entity under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, specialized in financing SMEs.
    • Fashion Division Director, Habitat and Cultural Industries (ICEX Spain Export and Investment).
    • Economic and Commercial Counsellor Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Casablanca.
    • Degree in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid
    Alejandro Garcia


    • Operations Director at Logista Libros SA.
    • Superior Industrial Engineer spetialised in Industrial Organization.
    • Master in International Management. Master in Supply Chain Management.
    Silueta profesora


    • Managing Director PACKNET, Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Envase y Embalaje
    • Executive MBA, IE Business School
    • PhD in Constitutional Law, Universidad Complutense
    • Máster in International e.Busines, ICEX-CECO
    • Bachelor of Laws, Universidad de Vigo
    Enrique Luque


    • CEO of Opteamism Consulting.
    • Formerly, franchise manager for Hamburguesa Nostra/Vaca Nostra; Tormo &sociados, Ernst & Young Real Estates.
    • Lecturer professor for international franchising.
    Olegario Llamazares


    • Fundador y director de Global Marketing Strategies y socio fundador del portal Globalnegotiator. 
    • Conferenciante y profesor en escuelas de negocio (IE Business School, EOI, CECO).
    • Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas
    Fernando Maudo


    • Director General en España en Venta Privee
    • Consejero y Consultor de varias empresas textiles como Inditex (Zara), Induyco (Grupo El Corte Inglés) y Coronel Tapioca.
    • Licenciado en Derecho y Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales.
    • Máster en Dirección General de Empresas  y  Máster en Comercio Exterior
    Víctor Magariño


    • Marketing and sales director in Comunycarse, S.L.
    • Formerly, Country manager for Spain and Head of Iberia & Israel Clusters in Google (2011-2012).
    • He has previously worked in several U.S. and U.K. multinational corporations, including McDonnell Douglas Corporation (USA), Cadbury Schweppess (Madrid), and Universal Pictures (Madrid). MBA, Business School EDEA (Madrid).
    Silueta profesora


    • Managing Partner in How2Go Worldwide Business Solutions – West Africa 
    • Consultant in International Trader and Export
    • Espert Degree in Foreign Trade, Universidad País Vasco
    • Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication, Universidad Europea
    Gloria Montes


    • Directora Financiera y socia fundadora de GMG Consultores S.L
    • Experiencia docente en EOI, ENAE y ESESA entre otras
    • Project Management de CREDEM
    • Ingeniera industrial y máster en Dirección Financiera
    Silueta profesor


    • CEO, HOMT (H Oil Group). Specialist in the development of infrastructure operations in emerging countries.
    • Bachelor in Agricultural engineering, UPM
    Jorge Rodríguez Maeso


    • Director Administrativo-Financiero en Logista Libros, SA
    • Licenciado en LADE, UC3M y Máster en Gestión Financiera, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    Angel Rosello


    • Profesor en el ICEX-CECO-UIMP.
    • Anteriormente Director del Departamento de Estudios e Investigación de la Cámara de Comercio de Madrid.
    • Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.
    Víctor Salamanca


    • CEO in Auxadi, accounting, reporting & compliance international services.
    • VicePresident & Member of Ex Comm in Accacia.
    • Graduated in Business Administration, Postgraduate studies in Audit.
    Silueta profesor


    • Consultant at Drommer Consulting. Specialist in risks and foreign trade operations, Drommer Consulting
    • Master in Foreign Trade, EOI
    • Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, UPM
    Silueta profesor


    • CEO Henkuai
    • Global Advanced Management Program, IE Business School
    • Bachelor in Information Sciences and Communication
    Montserrat Vega


    • Consultora y asesora del área financiera en diversas empresas.
    • Profesora de contabilidad y finanzas en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y en EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial).
    • Licenciada en Economía y Empresariales.
    Lorena Viñas


    • Abogada especialista fiscal del Departamento Fiscal de Ashurst LLP
    • Licenciada en Derecho (especialidad Jurídico-Empresarial)

      Places available: 60 

      The program may be offered as long as there is a minimum number of students to guarantee its viability.


      The Master's is aimed at university graduates in any discipline. Previous professional experience and personal attitude to working abroad will be valued. In exceptional cases, candidates who are pending the presentation of their final thesis may apply for admission.

      Admission criteria

      The selection of students will be made taking into account the curriculum vitae, academic record, professional profile, motivations stated in the application, and if necessary, a personal interview with the candidate. Foreign students may be interviewed online.

      Admisión MADI UC3M

      Documentation to be submitted

      Those interested in enrolling should send the following documents, correctly scanned::

      • Application Form
      • Degree certificate* and Transcript.
      • Curriculum vitae.
      • Photocopy of DNI (Spanish ID) or Passport.
      • Optionally, diploma or language certificate.
      • Optionally, recommendation letters from lecturers or responsible for the company where you have/are working.
      • Complementary documentation supporting other activities indicated in the application.
      • In case of not having completed the studies: Commitment of completion.

      * If you do not have a degree certificate yet, you must attach a proof that it is in process.

      Application for admission

      The request is made electronically through our application.

      Contact information:

      Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
      School of Continuing Education
      Phone: 91 624 98 82


      The tuition fee is 6,600 euros, to be paid in three installments:

      • The first payment will be 1,000 euros as "Reservation of Place", during the ten days following the notification of admission to the Master.
      • A second payment, in the amount of 2,800 euros, with a due date of October 31 of the academic year in which the Program begins.
      • Finally, a third and final payment, in the amount of 2,800 euros, with a due date of March 15 of the academic year.

      A refund of the reservation fee may only be requested in case of impossibility of attendance due to serious illness or any other reason of comparable severity, as well as for reasons of force majeure.

      Once the payment has been made, the student must send a copy of the bank transfer receipt by e-mail to the secretary's office ( Candidates who do not pay the reservation fee within the stipulated period will lose their right to the reserved place.

      This amount includes attendance to the course and complementary activities, all the necessary documentation to take the courses, such as books, another bibliography, didactic material, and registration to the Orientation and Employment Service.

      NOTE: The enrolment fees include the cost of issuing the master’s degree certificate.

    Salidas Profesionales master en dirección internacional de empresas

    The professional opportunities of this program are multiple in sectors such as consumer goods, retail, health, technology, consulting, etc. Now more than ever, companies are looking for professionals capable of exploring new markets and increasing the international presence of their products and services.

    • 70% of students are working after finishing the first term of the program.
    • 100 % of graduates are working after completing the program.

    Specifically, some career options for students of a program of these characteristics would be the following:

    • Multinational or export-oriented companies.
    • International trading companies (tradings, import-export brokers, etc).
    • SMEs (small and medium-sized companies) in the process of internationalization.
    • Public commercial offices abroad (for example, in Spain, the OFCOMES).
    • Public Institutions (State, autonomous and/or regional) dedicated to the promotion and support of company internationalization programs (Chambers of Commerce, IGAPE, IVEX, Copca, Extenda, for example).
    • Multilateral organizations specialized in the area of international trade (WTO, IMF, European Development Bank, MIGA, Inter-American Development Bank, etc.).
    Prácticas en empresas máster en dirección internacional de empresas

    Internships in companies

    All interested students will have the possibility of doing internships in the international area during the Master, equivalent to 6 credits. Due to the format of the Master's program, students can do internships FULL-TIME or PART-TIME (until September 30 of the year in which the Master's course ends).

    The program has a network of collaborating companies that offer internships and employment contracts to our students. The UC3M-MADI Intranet regularly publishes job offers related to the different areas of the company to manage international business. In addition, training sessions are organized and advice is given on improving personal branding and the search for job opportunities.

    The Master in International Business Management (UC3M-MADI), enrolls its students in the "Guidance and Employment Service" of the Foundation of the University Carlos III of Madrid.

    Orientation and Employment Service

    This department was created by the Carlos III University Foundation with the aim of facilitating the labor market insertion and professional development of students at the Carlos III University of Madrid. In addition, it guides companies and institutions in the process of attracting and incorporating young university students with high development potential, either for internships or for hiring.

    This service analyzes the job offers and demands presented by the students of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the collaborating companies and institutions, adapting the profiles presented by both parties. To achieve this objective, the Carlos III University Foundation has a large number of collaborating entities that use this service as a source of recruitment to cover their hiring and internship needs.

    More information can be found on the website of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid:      

    Collaboration with the UC3M Science Park

    The Master of Lifelong Learning in International Business Management collaborates with Johns Hopkins University in the "JHU - Immersion Program in Madrid". In this program, students from the Master of Science in Engineering Management and the Master work together on consulting projects to add value to startups in the UC3M Science Park. The companies with which they have collaborated in 2021-2023 are:

    • Cedrión, dedicated to the design and manufacture of cooling devices for on-board electronics, based on the Corona Effect.
    • Drone Hopper, designs, manufactures and markets high payload capacity drones for firefighting in day and night operations, and precision agriculture.
    • Gas&Go, specialized in the implementation of solutions focused on the use of natural gas as an alternative fuel.
    • Ienai-Space, develops electric propulsion modules for small satellites. It offers scalable propulsion systems adapted to each customer, as well as support and consulting services for platform architecture and mission analysis.
    • Power Smart Control, provides engineering services related to software, equipment and electronic systems used for the control, conversion and conditioning of electrical energy.
    • Inrobics, whose purpose is to revolutionize the healthcare sector by integrating social robotics and artificial intelligence to impact lives.


  • AIDS
    Ayudas y becas máster en dirección internacional de empresas UC3M

    UC3M MADI scholarships for academic year 2024/25

    offers approximately 20 grants to cover tuition fees for students admitted to the master’s with a good academic record and no other source of funding, to be deducted from the third payment of the tuition fee, which allows a reduction of up to a maximum of 2,000 euros in the cost of the tuition fee.

    Students will have the opportunity to get started in tasks related to the studies they are studying and to facilitate their future professional orientation*.

    There are currently 4 calls for applications. The deadline for applying for these grants is:

    • 1st call for applications, 16 May. Resolution date: 4 June.
    • 2nd call for applications, 17 June. Resolution date: 5 July.
    • 3rd call for applications, 16 September. Resolution date: 4 October.

    For the grant to be awarded, it will be an essential requirement to have paid the reservation fee for the master’s course.


    * The work carried out will be linked to the studies undertaken and, under no circumstances, will it have any legal or employment effects between the student and the university.

    • Alumni UC3M” Program. The Master, with no commitment from the University, obtains funds to offer grants to former students of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The grants

      - Allow a reduction of up to a maximum of 1,000 euros in the cost of enrolment. The deadline to apply for the grants is 15 September.

    • Expert UC3M MADI" Program. The Master, without commitment from the University, obtains funds to offer grants to students of the Expert Diploma in International Business at the University Carlos III of Madrid. The grants cover approx. 50% of the tuition fees. The deadline to apply for the grants is 30 July.

    Learn Africa

    "Learn Africa" Program

    • In collaboration with the Women for Africa Foundation, the Carlos III University of Madrid is offering 4 grants (covering 100% of the enrolment fee) to study the Master of Permanent Training in International Business Management of UC3M MADI and 4 grants for the Diploma of Expert in International Business. These grants are aimed at women who are nationals of an African country. More information on the deadlines for the calls for applications at or:

    Other funding options

    • Support for US Veterans (VA) to study abroad. The Máster de Formación Permanente en Dirección Internacional de Empresas at Universidad Carlos III is approved to process Veterans Affairs Benefits. Students may be eligible for Veterans Affairs benefits. The University is not involved in the process of awarding the scholarships. Interested parties should contact the Department of Veterans Affairs directly to confirm their eligibility for benefits made under programs such as the Post 9/11 GI Bill or the Montgomery Montgomery Bill. Carlos III University cannot process Yellow Ribbon benefits.
    • Paid internships. Students who wish to do so have the option of doing paid internships, which allows them to defray part of the cost of tuition. In addition, students, both online and on-site, have the option of doing a FULL-TIME internship.
    • Bank credit. Banco Santander offers advantageous conditions to members of the UC3M University Community. More information.

    Duration and schedules

    Duration and schedules: academic year 2024/25

    The Master begins at the end of September and ends at the end of June. Graduation is in July.

    FACE-TO-face option*:

    Face-to-face classes are taught and issued:

    • Friday from 16:00 to 21:00 CET (Puerta de Toledo Campus, Madrid, Spain)
    • Saturday from 9:00 to 14:00 CET (Puerta de Toledo Campus, Madrid, Spain)
    • Additionally, complementary activities and teamwork sessions will be scheduled on some Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    Remote Option*:

    • Classes are broadcast by videoconference, to which students can connect from any computer at the present time.
    • The classes by videoconference are recorded on the course platform and students can consult them at any time.
    • The University's Aula Global platform (Moodle system), Panopto (for class recordings), Blackboard Collaborate and Google Meet (for virtual meetings) are used.

    The format of the Master's Degree in Continuing Education in International Business Management is blended. The student, at the beginning of the course, can choose whether to study all the subjects in face-to-face or distance format. Students of the distance modality can attend face-to-face classes (notifying in advance and if the capacity allows it). Students can change from one modality to another during the Master (notifying in advance and if there are places available).

    * Students who do not attend at least 80% of the classes in the face-to-face option and do not take the exams in person in the title will be reflected that they have completed the master's degree in the distance modality.

    Campus Madrid Puerta de Toledo UC3M


    The methodological orientation of the program will combine theoretical sessions with the resolution of practical cases and business projects. The special conjunction of these elements, aimed at achieving maximum use, both academic and personal of the student, is one of the main added values of this program.

    Special emphasis is placed on the method of the case, with the aim of confronting the student with the reality of the internationalized company. Each student will be integrated into a working group and will be assigned a teacher-tutor, who will attend throughout the training period.

    To obtain the Master's Degree, it is necessary to pass the tests and the continuous evaluation that arises in the different subjects. Although the methods of assessment are varied, there are four types of tests common to most subjects:

    • Final practical cases or those carried out during the development of the subject
    • Practical exercises carried out during the development of the subject
    • Reports and work conducted through a tutoring system with personalized guidance from the teacher
    • Tests

    It is also necessary to obtain a favorable evaluation of the Master’s Final Project. For the final Master's project, the student will work integrated into a work team, which will be tutored by an expert professional in the business field. For this project, the Master also has the collaboration of professionals from the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX), analysts and experts from the PIPE program (Export Initiation Plan) that ICEX has developed for small and medium-sized enterprises. For the development of the project, students will have the option of visiting the company's facilities, its production centers and will have periodic meetings with its management team, with the aim that the final work is adapted to the reality of the company and its sector.

    Additional information

    a) The email address provided by the University to the student, once the registration has been made, will be used primarily in communications with the student, so its activation and periodic consultation is essential.

    b) Failure to pay on the established date will result in the denial or cancellation of enrollment in the terms and effects established by the University.

    Information on procedures for foreigners

    Information on authorization of stay for studies (TIE)

    Material resources of the Master

    Madrid Campus - Puerta de Toledo

    UC3M University Life

    Information about cultural, sporting and specific events for international students

    Accommodation in Madrid

    To live in Madrid, you have different options such as shared flats, residences, families, etc. to live in Madrid.  On this page we offer you all kinds of information about the different accommodation alternatives, so that finding your site is much easier.

    UC3M Accommodation Information Services


    Life in Madrid

    Living in Madrid