Work conditions
- HR Excellence in research
- Work conditions

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid works to provide an attractive, open and feasible working environment for its teaching and research staff. Among its objectives is the continuous improvement of physical and virtual environments to ensure excellence in teaching and research. Human resources are the most important factor to carry out the strategic objectives and, therefore, it is necessary to take care of people and facilitate the development of their professional careers, including the promotion of mobility.
ACTION PLANS. The evolution in the actions described in the different Action Plans show UC3M's effort to continue implementing an attractive, open and feasible work environment, in which the working conditions allow the recruitment and retention of researchers, in environments that guarantee high quality research.

Action Plan 2022-2024_actions Pillar III - Working Conditions
For the coming years we also put special focus on actions related to working conditions (almost a third of the 27), which demonstrates the interest of UC3M to continue advancing in these aspects, to provide optimal conditions for our PDI to develop quality work.
W1_ Design of a Teaching and Research Staff Career Map.
Within the project for the implementation of a Career Path, the design of a career map will be based on the four profiles established in EFRC (European Framework for Research Careers), the entry points in each of the profiles will be defined, as well as the requirements needed to move to the next profile, in accordance with national legislation.
W2_Medical insurance coverage for international stays.
Medical coverage plan for the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) during research stays in other countries outside Europe. The objective during the period 2022-2024 is to extend, with funding to the PDI, the coverage to countries where up to now it has to be financed by the professors and researchers who carry out the mobility. Special emphasis on R1s.
W3_Pay gap analysis.
The main objective of this study is to provide a general overview of the Gender Pay Gap (GPG) in the salaries of Teaching and Research Staff (PDI), based on the analysis of university data. The Gender Pay Gap, or the difference between the average salaries received by men and women, is a key indicator in terms of equality in the workplace. Although gender differences have narrowed in recent years as a result of public policies on equality, women still earn on average less than men.
W4_Tool to facilitate the control and monitoring of departmental staffing.
Within the HR and Organization digital transformation strategy of UC3M, it is necessary to have an appropriate budget management of the Teaching and Research Staff. The management of staff expenses includes, in addition to expenditure control and budget monitoring, budget estimates for the future and the expected evolution of the Teaching and Research Staff in the Departments. The objective of this action is to provide the directors of teaching departments with a tool that facilitates the control and monitoring of their staff.
W5_DOCENTIA: System for the evaluation of the teaching activities of the professors.
The DOCENTIA-UC3M model develops a system of evaluation of the teaching activity of the professor, based on the reflection on the development of the teaching task itself, including the assessment of students, of those responsible for the centers and departments. The aim of DOCENTIA-uc3m is to favor the development and recognition of the teaching staff and to promote quality teaching focused on students.
W6_Dual career
Program that aims to analyze and guide, in a personalized way, the couples of researchers who come to uc3m, regarding labor and socio-cultural integration in terms of Recruitment, Entrepreneurship, Volunteering; Intermediate with system agents and our Network
W7_Personal well-being Program.
The main objective will be a service to support emotional and mental well-being through the design and development of a program that contributes to an environment for the improvement of the well-being of all UC3M staff, both in the field of mental and emotional health. The program will allow the monitoring of user behavior through an app for smartphones and Cloud environment, where all these data are stored and processed.
The provision of support services through the implementation of different services/activities (sports, prevention, psychology, webinars, workshops, courses, lectures, etc.) to improve the well-being of university staff.
W1_Design of a PDI career path diagram
Within the project for the implementation of a Career Plan, the design of a career diagram will be based on the four profiles established in EFRC (European Framework for Research Careers), the entry points in each of the profiles will be defined, as well as the necessary requirements to move to the next profile, in accordance with national legislation. (Link al career path 5th edittion)
W2_Electronic procedure project for hiring and extensions of the labor PDI
Digitalization has led to a rapid transformation of the university work environment, and this has required new and updated solutions for the health and safety of workers. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest challenges the university has faced, as well as all other public and private institutions. Overcoming this challenge is only possible by working together to stop the spread of this disease and provide a safe and healthy work environment for both home-based workers and those who have returned to their regular workplaces.
In the 20-22 Action Plan, we decided to give a new boost to some of the Human Resources processes. Specifically, we established an action "Digitalization of the electronic procedure for hiring and extensions of Teaching and Research Staff", which has meant that all new contracts and extensions to be signed are done electronically, avoiding delays, and with a very significant impact:
- No physical presence is required to sign the contract.
- It provides flexibility for teachers, since it is signed remotely.
- There is a specific support for incidents.
- It is much more efficient because everything is available in the cloud.
- We are one of the first universities to have implemented this process, both for extensions and new hires.
W3_Health insurance coverage for teaching and research staff stays around the world
A healthy university should encourage the development of a working and learning environment in which improved health, wellness and sustainability are strategic elements that are effectively integrated into all activities of the organization. This is being done through the development of healthy activities (health promotion, physical activity, healthy eating and emotional well-being) and by trying to make our university campuses healthy (healthy workplaces and work-life balance, healthy spaces, occupational health centers, cardio-protected campuses).(Link a UC3M Saludable)
Psychosocial risks and occupational stress are among the most challenging problems in the field of occupational safety and health. They significantly affect the health of individuals, organizations and national economies. UC3M, aware of this, developed and made available to its staff a personal wellness program.(Link al Programa de Bienestar Personal)
The university is working on two improvements for its teaching and research staff. One is the extension of financed medical coverage when they make use of mobility to other countries, especially outside Europe. The second improvement is job stabilization for those on temporary contracts.
W1_ UC3M Career Plan for Faculty
- Carrer plan
W2_ UC3M Researcher Portal: Co-authorship Map
W3_International Health Insurance for Faculty
Action extended for development in future action plans
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