Training and development
- HR Excellence in research
- Training and development

The Governing Board approved the Teacher Training Framework Plan 2018-2023. This Plan is structured in three strategic axes: didactic axis, research axis and transversal axis. Based on this framework, the university is working on the design of training and professional development plans to improve the performance of the Teaching and Research Staff at any stage of their professional career.
Among its objectives are:
- Establish multidimensional training plans that encourage the continuous development of all Teaching and Research Staff at all stages of their career.
- To design mentoring plans for the first years of their professional career.
- Develop plans to foster the motivation of teaching and research staff.
- Train and support teaching and research staff in the digital transformation process.
- Promote the continuous improvement of teaching and research staff based on the evaluation of their activity.
ACTION PLANS. The actions contemplated in the different action plans have been defined by the Training Framework Plan 2018-2023 and during the different stages training actions have been defined and developed to cover the 3 axes and ensure that the training and career development plan promotes the progress of our PDI.

Action Plan 2022-2024_actions Pillar IV - Training and development
The actions contemplated in this Pillar are very much focused on improving activities that have been carried out during previous action plans, but also include new initiatives, such as the Leadership Program and the Networking Breakfasts.
T1_New actions to disseminate information on the HRS4R
Analysis of survey answers to measure the knowledge of the university community about the HR strategy for PDI and the C&C. and carry out actions aimed at promoting the parts where there is less knowledge.
T2_Executive Program on Leadership for Department Heads.
To provide the directors of teaching departments with the appropriate tools for the management of the department's personnel.
T3_UC3M Mentoring Programme for PDI.
After the success of the pilot experience launched last year, we propose to launch the UC3M Mentoring Program for PDI (Teaching and Research Staff), which aims to put in contact young researchers in early stage of their career, with professionals with a solid track record working both in the academic environment and outside it, in order to expand their career options after the doctorate.
T4_Training on C&C to members of the Selection Committees.
The members of the Selection Committee must know and understand the principles of S&C and commit themselves to objectively apply the defined scales, constantly struggling to make a selection according to the principles of merit and capacity in a multidimensional curriculum.
T5_Update the English Language Accreditation Program C1 y C2.
Group of training actions, within the Training Plan for teaching and research staff, aimed at obtaining the accreditation of the English level C1 and C2.
T6_New training program in SDG.
Design of training activities on sustainable development aimed at UC3M personnel and offered through Human Resources channels for PAS (administrative staff) and PDI.
T7_Networking breakfast: Sharing knowledge with…
Action addressed to the PDI (teaching and research professionals) with the objective of introducing topics not necessarily linked to the academic or research field.
The breakfasts will be proposed by members of the PDI and PAS of UC3M, unlike the seminars and workshops/courses, and will be conducted by invited third parties who must be experts from outside UC3M.
T1_Dissemination program of the HR Logo Plan (Best practices in research, Ethics, Mentoring, Women and Science, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, OTM-R hiring policies).
Through 6 online Seminars, in the form of round tables or conferences of experts in the field, with topics tailored to the actions included in the Action Plan 20-22 (T2-T5) and within the Training and Development block.
It has had an average attendance of 125 people per Seminar and has had a great impact, as shown in the reports of each seminar (Link the 6 documents of Seminar Report T1-Seminar XXXX). This action has facilitated the dissemination of our HRS4R policy and our practices on these issues, and has also served as a benchmarking tool to know what kind of activities are being carried out by other institutions and universities in this regard.
T2_Open Science training program. Virtual Open Science – Cafes. UC3M2OS: UC3M ticket to Open Science
The Open Science Cafés are a training activity on Open Science that have been designed by combining the discussions known as world café, with training workshops (until now in online-webinar format). They are part of the training provided by the Office of the Vice President for Scientific Policy in relation to Open Science and Science (Open Science/Knowledge) and are aimed at the entire PDI, and are also a component of the specific transversal doctoral training: UC3M ticket to Open Science, which is held in parallel.
UC3M ticket to Open Science is a transversal training course co-organized by the Doctoral School and the Office of the Vice President for Science Policy, aimed at UC3M doctoral students. Practical content for PhD students related to open access publishing, open research planning, research dissemination, open/FAIR data and citizen science.
T3 & T4_ Training programs in Good practices in research and teaching and in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Set of training actions, within the Training Plan for teaching and research staff, with special emphasis on those related to: Copyright, intellectual property, research ethics, project financing mechanisms, equality policies, diversity, equity and inclusion.
Courses carried out in various editions, with an average of 20 participants per course and with a rating above 4 (out of 5), which confirms the interest of the university community in these subjects.
The number of visits to the training website has increased by 260% in 2022 compared to the previous year, which shows the interest of the PDI in training activities
T5_Training program on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
The Carlos III University of Madrid frames this task in the Agenda 2030 and in other initiatives, such as Innova, where we collaborate with various companies and institutions in numerous innovation projects, placing special emphasis on ensuring that all initiatives meet the SDG objectives. (link a la web de
Training activities for PDI around the SDGs have been promoted since 2020 with a moderate impact. The Office of the Vice President for Institutional Relations and Sustainable Development will reinforce this line with the support of the recently created Unit for Institutional Relations and Sustainable Development, which has already presented 5 initiatives in the Training Plan for PDI 2023.
T6_English level accreditation program C1 and C2
Set of training actions, within the Training Plan for teaching and research staff, aimed at obtaining accreditation of the English level C1 and C2
Increasing the number of accredited teachers in English allows us to improve our teaching quality in English. In addition to being able to offer more degrees in English, which allows us to be more attractive to foreign students
T7_ Development of a UC3M Mentoring pilot program for PDI
The goal is to connect early-stage researchers, from any field of knowledge, who are interested in their career options beyond the traditional academic career, with highly-qualified mentors working in professional settings, inside or outside of academia.
The pilot project has been developed with 23 Mentor-Mentee couples with very satisfactory results. The project has been rated by the Mentes with a score of 4.2 (out of 5) and they have rated their Mentors with a score of 4.6 (out of 5). The impact on the Mentees has been positive, as evidenced by the feedback they have made about the show..( Pdf T7- Programa Mentoring)
In the Human Resources Service we have the firm vocation of accompanying our young researchers in this transition stage and providing them with a closer knowledge of the skills and knowledge most in demand in business and research environments outside of the Academy.
This project has positioned us as one of the first public universities to have developed a mentoring program focused on its researchers.
T1_UC3M Training Plan for Faculty, within the four career stage
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