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Strategy for the Project and the Euraxess network

HR Strategy for Researchers (HSR4R)

The HRS4R strategy (HR Strategy for Researchers) is a mechanism established by the European Commision to support Research Institutions in implementing the principles of the European Charter for  Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recrutiment of Researchers ( C&C):

  • The European Charter for Researchers brings a series of principles together that deal with the rights and responsabilities of researchers and Reseach Institutions.

Its goal is to foster the creation and communication of technological progress and knowledge, as well as researchers’ professional development. It acknowledges all forms of mobility as a means of achieving this development.

  • The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Hiring Researchers is comprised of a series of general principles and demands that must be followed by the Research institutions when appointing or hiring researchers.

The C&C contains 40 principles that are grouped together in four areas: Ethical Aspects, Recrutiment, Work conditions and Training.

The correct implentation of C&C makes institutions and national research systems more attractive to reseachers, thus contributing to the development of the European employment market and the consolidation of the European Research Area.

Those institutions committed to implementing the principles of C&C, by following the guidelines of the HRS4R strategy, will be awarded the distinction “HR Excellence in Research” by the European Commission.

The “HR Excellence in Research” award identifies universities and institutions that create and support a stimulating and favourable environment for research.

UC3M was awarded this distinction on November 30, 2016.


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The EURAXESS network is a Pan-European initiative that offers an extensive range of information services and which provides support to researchers who wish to conduct their research career in Europe or who want to maintain their links to research activities in Europe. 

The Network has more than 300 research support centres and 40 member countries. Its function is to help achieve the strategic objectives of the European Research Area (ERA), such as removing obstacles to mobility and attracting and retaining research talent in Europe.  
EURAXESS is the source of information, documentation and support for institutions that wish to apply the principles of the European Research Charter and Code (C&C) via the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). 

EURAXNESS  has the following mechanisms to implement these objectives:

  • EURAXNESS Services: advisory services related to researcher mobility (administrative procedures and legal requirements)
  • EURAXNESS Jobs: publication of job offers in R+D +i by the stakeholder organizations, as well as publication of researchers’ CVs.
  • EURAXNESS Rights: European Commission recommendations to attract research talent (Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, European Charter for Reseachers and the Scientific Visa).
  • EURAXNESS Links: a globally connected European research community, access to forums, databases, information bulletins, email alerts, etc.  

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology “ FECYT” is the Network’s co-ordinating body in Spain.

The EURAXESS Spain network has been growing since its creation in 2004 and currently has more than 85 centres among the Autonomous communities and in different agencies of the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation.

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