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Laura Branciforte

Professor Laura Branciforte Mazzola

She is currently a lecturer in Contemporary History at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and teaches Contemporary History and History of Contemporary International Relations in the Humanities, Journalism-Humanities and History and Politics. She received her PhD in 2008, obtaining the Extraordinary Doctorate Award, and has received a pre-doctoral grant from the Carlos III Foundation of Madrid for the writing of her thesis and three pre-doctoral grants for research stays abroad awarded by the Carlos III University (Università degli Studi dell';Aquila 2008, Université Paris X, Nanterre, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"). He has completed the Master "European Cultural Planning" (1999-2002) at the DeMontfort University of Leicester. He has regularly coordinated and directed national and international conferences and seminars. She is a member of the Instituto de Historiografía Julio Caro Baroja and the Instituto de Estudios de Género of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He has been PI and member of numerous research projects, among which I highlight some as Principal Investigator: Las relaciones culturales hispano-italianas en los años cincuenta, Comunidad de Madrid/ UC3M, 2011. Her main lines of research on fascism and anti-fascism, gender history and cultural relations between Spain and Italy and the pacifist movements in the 1980s, as reflected in her extensive scientific production. She has participated with communications and as an invited speaker in around 60 national and international scientific meetings, with the publication of 6 monographs and around 40 publications including articles and book chapters. Some of them are: "The women "s peace camp at Comiso, 1983: transnational feminism and the anti-nuclear movement", Women "s History Review, 2022, 31; Donne in onda nel ventennio fascista. Tra modernità e tradizione (1924-1939), Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018; El Socorro Rojo Internacional en España (1923-1939). Relatos de la solidaridad antifascista, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2011; "La sospettosa Spagna negli anni del neocentrismo italiano" in Spagna contemporanea, n. 49, 2016, pp. 47-67. "El restablecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas entre España e Italia en los años 50" in Javier Muñoz Soro and Emanuele Treglia, (eds.), Patria, pan... amore e fantasia. La España franquista y sus relaciones con Italia (1945-1975), 2017, Comares, Granada, pp. 43- 62. He has been awarded the 2017 Excellence and Entrepreneurship Award by the Social Council of the Carlos III University of Madrid.