Human rigths

- Barranco Avilés, M. Carmen
Charlotte Bunch, “Women’s Rights as Human Rights. Toward a Re-Vision of Human Rights”, Human Rights Quaterly, 12:4, 1990, pp. 486-498
Charlotte Bunch and Niamh Reilly, “Women’s Rights as Human Rights: Twenty-Five Years On”, in Niamh Reilly (ed.),International Human Rights of Women, Springer, Singapore, pp. 21-38.
Anna Grear "'Framing the project' of international human rights law: reflections on the dysfunctional 'family' of the Universal Declaration", in Conor Gearty and Costas Douzinas (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Human Rights Law, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 17-35.
Micheline Ishay, The History of Human Rights. From Ancient times to the Gobalization Era, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2008
Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, Princenton University Press, Princenton/New York, 2011.
“Men, Women and Work. The Gender Pay Gap”, The Economist UK, 7-10-17
Recursos web
Siliadin V. France case (ECHR){%22itemid%22:[%22003- 1412014-1474284%22]}
The Cotton Field case ELLA, The Cotton Field Case in Mexico: Setting Legal Precedents for Fighting
Gender- Based Violence
Case of González et al. (“Cotton Field”) v. Mexico (ICHR)