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Revista Derechos y Libertades (Rights and Liberties Magazine)

Portada de una publicación

Published twice a year (January and June), it is available in an electronic format since early 2010.

The purpose of Derechos y Libertades magazine is to create a forum for debate and analysis of the theoretical and practical problems related to Human Rights, from the various perspectives they can be analyzed, giving special emphasis to philosophic-legal analysis.

The Derechos y Libertades magazine is included in the citation index carried out by the CINDOC with the Spanish Social and Human Sciences Magazines (RESH) appearing in the LATINDEX, DICE, MIAR and INRECJ magazine catalogues.

All issues from the second period can be consulted online, except for the last two, in:

The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid’s library has scanned the first period of Derechos y Libertades magazine, which is available in the Institutional Open Archive:


Universitas Magazine

Electronic magazine dedicated to Philosophy, Law and Politics, published twice a year, where scientific works, opinion articles, bibliographical outlines, letters to the Director and interviews to relevant figures are presented.

Cuadernos Bartolomé de las Casas

It includes monographic studies on essential issues in the framework of Human Rights.