Dynamics and Fracture of Structural Elements
- Grupos de investigación
- Engineering
- Dynamics and Fracture of Structural Elements
- Group head:
- Ramón Zaera Polo
- Email:
- rzaera@ing.uc3m.es
- Group web:
- Dynamics and Fracture of Structural Elements
- Commercial datasheet:
- Dinamica y Fractura de Elementos Estructurales
The Structural Element Dynamics and Fracture Group is made up of engineers of different specialisations who have a wide-range of experience in analysis of mechanical behaviour versus impact behaviour, and in fracture of mechanical and structural elements, with profound knowledge of experimental as well as numerical simulation methodologies. This group tackles problems taking into account their scientific and technological impact, degree of innovation and interest, as well as other relevant issues posed by the industry sector. Its activities include carrying out R+D+i projects through public funding and company financed contracts. Research results are disseminated through publications in top scientific journals – indexed in the ISI database-, as well as through presentations at national and international scientific conferences.
Lines of research
- Dynamic behavior of structural elements: simulation and experimental analysis
- Energy absorbing structures
- Problems of impact on structural elements for aeronautic use
- Constitutive models of high-speed deformation materials
- Fracture mechanics
- Damage mechanics
- Trials for fracture under dynamic conditions
- Materials made from a metallic matrix
- Residual tension in structural elements
Contact email: research@uc3m.es