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Becas Iberoamerica Santander- Research Scholarships Call 2020/2021

Employment type:


Academic degree:


Call status:


Group of employees:

Iberoamérica Scholarships for Researchers - Santander

Call date:


Deadline for applications

From 10/01/2020 to 16/03/2020

Step 1: Registration, through this link.

Step 2: Application, through Solicitud Telematica

Call for applications:
Call Text Becas Iberoamérica Santander Investigación 2020/2021

Vacancies awarding or appointments

Provisional awarding resolution:
List of Awardees Becas Iberoamérica 2020/21
Final awarding resolution:
List of Awardees Becas Iberoamérica 2020/21