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Cross-cutting activities School of Graduate Studies

Imagen de portada escena de reunión de personas

The aim of the Cross-cutting Activities is to promote the student’s skills in subjects related, above all, to employability (CV, job interview, presence in social networks, etc.). Furthermore, these activities encourage the interaction among students to define and study the situation in each professional sector.

With this premise, each Graduate School prepare their workshops proposing activities that best match with their master’s programs, thereby offering a specialized point of view to the student.



The course is organised and certified by the European Patent Office.

Registration for the basic level course is now open:

  • Attendance: online
  • Credits: 3 ECTS
  • Registration: free
  • Language: English

If you are interested in the course, please apply for registration before October 25 using the following registration form.

You have all the information about the course here: Modular IP Education Framework (MIPEF).