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UC3M4Safety - Multidisciplinary Team for Detecting, Preventing and Combating Violence against Women


UC3M4Safety is a Multidisciplinary Team to Detect, Prevent and Combat Violence against Women compound of six research groups, five from the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) and one from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).  

The groups involved in the team come from the Polytechnic School and from the Gender Studies Institute of UC3M. Three departments from the Polytechnic School face the problem of preventing and combating the violence from a technological point of view. Signal Theory and Communications Department, Telematics Engineering Department and Electronic Technology Department apply their knowledge in order to protect victims using the most recent smart sensors, recognition algorithms and security in wireless networks. On-line detection of human moods, dangerous objects or agressors, with a "transparent" wearable system, would allow victims to prevent and combat new episodes of violence. Of course, this system is assessed by the Gender Studies Institute thanks to its large knowledge of violence against women and protecting victims. Additionally, researchers from Center of Industrial Electronics, (UPM-CEI), experts in Wireless Sensor Networks will provide their expertise in machine learning algorithms for multi-sensor data treatment.

Team Milestones

January 2019 - December 2020

▶ EMPATIA-CM (Comprehensive Protection of Victims of Gender-Based Violence Through Multimodal Affective Computing) financed under the programme of synergetic R&D projects in new and emerging scientific areas at the frontier of science and of an interdisciplinary nature, co-financed with the Operational Programmes of the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, 2014-2020, of the Community of Madrid (Ref: Y2018/TCS-5046)

EMPATÍA-CM is an investigative project which main objective is understand gender violence victims reactions to risky situations, generate mechanisms for automatic detection of these situations, and analyse how respond to these situations along a coordinated and effective way to protect them in the best possible way.

EMPATIA-CM is composed by two groups: UC3MTEC (Leader) led by Celia López Ongil and IEG (Beneficiary) led by Rosa San Segundo Manuel.

AÑO 2019

Septiembre 2019 

▶ "Connecting For Good Award " en la XIII Edición de los Premios Vodafone a la Innovación



Octubre 2019 
▶ "Campaña de crowdfunding en la plataforma de Precipita de la FECYT " con el proyecto Bindi: Redes de sensores inteligentes para combatir la violencia de genero


Personal del Instituto

Carlos III University of Madrid provides a high degree of interdisciplinary research for international investigative projects where Social and Human Sciences must be connected and collaborate with Information and Communications Technologies in order to improve the life quality of European citizens. The open concept of global departments for teaching the students of the whole university, as well as the large experience in collaborative research makes this university a key institution in research projects where different approaches must be undertaken to study and analyze a common necessity, and propose common solutions to attend and solve today’s society challenges.

The UC3M4Safety team has been already dedicated to project calls for public funding in the framework of European Union, in a willing to develope an efficient and applicable solution to the problem of violence against weak elements in the current societies: women, children, eldery, etc.


The six groups which composed UC3M4Safety have realized along its research and development projects the importance of the gender violence approach.  All of them agreed a year ago in the necessity of working together to solve this problem with a techical and a social perspective. First works have started, developing a proof of concept to detect agressiveness, fear, and other human reactions to violence. Contacts with victims' associations and law enforcement agencies have also been carried out, confirming the interest in the solution proposed.




Team leader: Celia López

📧 email: 


 1. Electronic Technology (UC3M)

Grupo Tecnologia electronica

 1. Electronic Technology (UC3M)

The Electronic Technology Department has researchers with experience in hardware acceleration of signal processing, sensor instrumentation and wireless sensor networks as well as in low power digital circuits and embedded systems, in terms of publications, training and research projects. Most of these projects included the use of high processing microelectronic devices within distributed systems, managing large amounts of data coming from sensors and dealing with hard conditions (interferences, ionizing radiation (fault tolerance), high degree of autonomy (low power consumption), ageing, intentional attacks (security), etc.)


3. Signal Processing and Communications (UC3M)


 3. Signal Processing and Communications (UC3M)

The Multimedia Processing Group (GPM – Grupo de Procesado Multimedia) at University Carlos III Madrid is a young and dynamic research group whose main areas of interest include speech, audio, image and video processing, specially on multimedia content extraction, speech technologies, last generation video coding and medical bioimaging. GPM combines its rich skillfulness in multimedia analysis and representation (coding, segmentation, edge detection, object tracking, morphology, etc.) with a deep understanding of the individual media (regions of interest, hierarchy, perception) solidly rooted in modern machine learning and knowledge discovery expertise to bring useful interpretations of multimedia data for a wide variety of applications including automatic image and video annotation, embedded vocal interfaces, speech transcription for hearing-impaired caption generation, HDTV video coding or weather nowcasting, bioimage-based medical applications, etc. The group comprises six PhD professors, six PhD students and a number of MEng and pregraduate students. Its internationally trained members have received inputs from several prestigious institutions through pre and postdoctoral fellowships (International Computer Science Institute –ICSI-, Berkeley, USA, Purdue University, Indiana, USA, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz -DFKI-, Saarbrücken, Germany, Universidad de Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK and University of Trento, Italy, among others.

5. MaqLab (UC3M)


 5. MaqLab (UC3M)

MaqLab is a group of advanced research on synthesis, analysis, modeling and simulation of mechanisms and machines. The MaqLab group carries out research, development and innovation tasks in mechanical engineering. Its activities include research projects applied to industry, vehicles, transportation, security and defense concerning advanced mechanisms, special mechanisms, magneto-mechanics, applied tribology, biomedical devices and measurement, monitoring and maintenance techniques.


BINDI es un sistema desarrollado por un equipo de la Universidad Carlos III para proteger a las víctimas de violencia machista. Además, acaba de ser seleccionado como el proyecto ganador del Explorer UC3M Space 2021, un programa de emprendimiento juvenil.

RADIO MADRID Cadena Ser 25/05/2021 

Meet the 21 Semifinalists for the Women’s Safety XPRIZE Competition


Rewarding innovation is the cornerstone of our economy. Fortunately XPRIZE, the non-profit organization launching public competitions intended to encourage technological development that could benefit humanity, has set up a system to do just that. Their competitions have spurred countless innovations in transportation, energy, and space exploration. And now, they're tackling the issue of women's safety.


TECH.CO - 15/11/2017



The bracelet that can prevent sexual assaults and sexist murders


A Spanish university team completes a prototype of 'wearables' that detect violence against women and communicate with the mobile phone to warn of emergencies. Read more.


EL PAÍS - 21/06/2018 (Spanish)



Create a 'jewel' with an internal device that sends alerts to police in dangerous situations


To protect women from any kind of violence, Spanish researchers have created a pendant device capable of automatically sending a distress message without the victim having to activate it. See video and news



ANTENA 3 "Informativos 15h" - 13/05/2018 (Español/Spanish)


YEAR 2018

April 2018 

▶ Semifinalist - Women's Safety Xprize 

The UC3M4Safety reached the semifinal stage at the Women’s Safety XPRIZE, an international competition that challenges teams to leverage technology in order to empower communities along a transformative solutions that ensures women’s safety.


November 2018

UC3M-UPM patent pending for "Recognition of emotional states"


December 2018


This economical aid have helped the UC3M4Safety team to create a virtual reality environment that allows the recording of women's emotional response to certain violence stimulus through a comfortable, realistic and accurate way.



BINDI is a wearable system composed of two devices, which have an aesthetic superficial porpuse but also include a smart monitoring mission to prevent sexual or violent attacks against users. The devices are connected wirelessly between them and with the users' smart cellular phone through a reliable and lightweight communication protocol (Bluetooth™ Low Energy, BLE) providing a competitive autonomy, in terms of battery re-charging, and bandwidth for data transmission.

Apart from a duplicated panic button, that can be activated by the user when a risk situation arises; the main novelty of the system is a set of sensors for key physiological variables and voice recognition, that are able to detect a panic or high-fear-stress emotion in the user, who can be unable to push the panic button. 

The two devices of BINDI can work separately and together, always thanks to the connection to the smart cellular phone. The highest safety and security is achieved with the complete set of devices, but lower (and sometimes enough) degrees of safey are assured when wearing a single device and the cellular phone. 


2. Telematics Engineering (UC3M)

Ingeniería Telemática

 2. Telematics Engineering (UC3M)

Within the research groups of UC3M, the Advanced Switching and Communication Technologies (ADSCOM) research group has relevant experience in networking and cybersecurity both in terms of publications (, training and research projects. Most of these projects included the development of networking and cyber-security software used in large-scale experiments with real users. The group has a proven track-record of R&D in IPv4/IPv6/MPLS/Ethernet, energy efficient networking, optical networks, Internet routing architectures, peer-to-peer (P2P), quality of service (QoS), programmable networks, virtualisation and network security.

4. Gender Studies Institute (UC3M)

Participantes Estudios de Género

  4. Gender Studies Institute (UC3M)

The Gender Studies Institute of Carlos III University of Madrid is devoted to the reflection and integration of gender perspective in every scientific sphere, being priority the scientific research and innovation with a multidisciplinary approach, as well as the participation in national and international working networks, the diffusion and training of specialized post-graduate studies with a gender perspective in different topics. The Gender Studies Institute participates in many research projects funded by Spanish Public Institutions and devoted to research on current critical situations in nowadays diverse families (elder care, children care, violence against women, etc.

 6. Center for Industrial Electronics (UPM)


 6. Center for Industrial Electronics (UPM)

Center for Industrial Electronics has researchers with experience in Power electronics, radio-based systems, and embedded systems, for many different applications. Among them, three experts in Wireless Sensor Networks have joined UC3M4Safety team. Their considerable experience in hardware and software development for WSN design, deployment and operation will benefit the proposal.


Logo periódico EL MUNDO

Generación Z: emprender e innovar con conciencia

BINDI: CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO, es uno de los 45 proyectos ganadores de la fase local de la última edición del programa Explorer. Se trata de un sistema desarrollado por un equipo de investigación multidisciplinar de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) para proteger a las víctimas de violencia de género. 


Logo periódico EL MUNDO

 Jewels protect against abuse

Bindi is a jewelry accessories solution that allows registering and recognizing the emotions of panic and stress in the woman user. Through a mobile 'app' is activated to emergency alarm to receive help immediately. Read more.


EL MUNDO (Newspaper) - 01/04/2018 (Spanish)



Rosa San Segundo, director of the Institute of Gender Studies at UC3M, explains BINDI on Radio SER Madrid SUR


Interview with Rosa San Segundo, director of the Institute of Gender Studies of the UC3M, about a device that foresees macho violence. Listen more.


CADENA SER SUR MADRID RADIO - 05/07/2019 (Spanish)