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Massimiano Bucchi


Massimiano Bucchi

Massimiano Bucchi
University of Trento  ITALY

Massimiano Bucchi is Professor of Science and Technology in Society and of Science and Technology Communication at the University of Trento, Italy and has been visiting professor in several academic and research institutions in Asia, Europe and North America.

His publications include Science in society (London and New York, Routledge, 2004), Handbook of Public Communication of Science and Technology (with B. Trench, London and New York, Routledge, 2008), Beyond Technocracy. Citizens, Politics, Technoscience (New York, Springer, 2009, published also in Chinese) and essays in journals such as Nature, Science and Public Understanding of Science. He has received several recognitions for his work, including the Mullins Prize awarded by the Society for Social Studies of Science (1997) and the Merck-Serono special jury award for science books (2007).

He has served as advisor and evaluator for several research and policy bodies, including the US National Science Foundation, the Royal Society, and the European Commission, and has chaired (with B. Trench) the programme of the XIIth world conference of Public Communication of Science and Technology (2012).
He regularly contributes to newspapers and TV programmes about science and technology.

His most recent book is Il pollo di Newton. La scienza in cucina (Newton’s Chicken. Science in the Kitchen), 2013.


Project: My research activity for the Excellence Chair at Universidad Carlos III focuses on two main topics:

1. The transformation of values and norms in science in the light of relevant organizational changes that have marked science in recent decades, as well as the resilience of the concept of ‘scientific community’ to those changes. Starting from Merton’s classical study of the ‘Matthew effect’, the paper then analyses the theme of competition in science, with particular regard to the dynamics that characterize the reputation and visibility of scientists, both within science and in the mass media and society at large.

2. The public and media discourse on innovation, in the context of broader dynamics connecting technology, culture and society, focusing particularly on the social and cultural forces driving innovation in areas like communication and cultural consumption (e.g. music), as well as their implications.

Stay period: ENE 2014 - JUL 2014