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Mario Losano


Mario Losano - Universitá del Piamonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro" (ITALY)

Mario Losano began his academic career in the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Milan where, from 1986 to 2004, he held the position of Full Professor. Since 2004 he has been a Full Professor of Legal Philosophy and of Computer and Law at the University of Eastern Piedmont (UNIPMN) in Alesandria, Italy. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Carlos III University in 2010. He started out translating the works of the Austrian professor, Hans Kelsen, into Italian. These included: La dottrina pura del diritto and La teoria generale delle norme. In 1978 he published his magnum opus on Comparative Law, I grandi sistemi giuridici. Introduzione ai diritti europeo ed extraeuropei, which has been translated into several languages. Another of his outstanding works is the Sistema e Structura nel diritto, which he carried out under the instruction of his teacher, the political and legal philosopher, Norberto Bobbio, and whose three volumes have been re-edited several times. Dr. Losano’s research as director of projects of the National Research Council of Italy has resulted in nearly fifty books and 444 scientific articles, as well as the edition of 32 publications, prologues, presentations, essays and introductions. In 2006 the Bartolomé de las Casas Research Institute for Human Rights, Carlos III University of Madrid, published a book in his honor titled, El derecho en red, which includes fifty works on the different areas in which Dr. Losano has carried out research over the last forty years.


PROJECT: Seminars and research are devoted to the themes of legal transplants and Spanish geopolitics. The research on Spanish geopolitics is still going on and focuses on Spanish relationship with East Asia, and particularly with Japan, from 1850 to the Second World War. It aims at documenting the peculiar relationship between Spain and Japan during the Meiji Era – a rather different one if compared with other Western States, and object of few studies thus far.

Stay Period: JAN 11 - JUL 11


Title: "Islamic State and Human Rights"

Author: Prof. Mario Losano

Date: June 20, 2011

Time: 12:30h

Place: Aula Multimedia 14.0.11. Getafe Campus.


• Solidaridad y derechos humanos en tiempos de crisis, Dykinson, Madrid 2011, 124 pp.

• Las fuentes del derecho islámico, in: María del Carmen Barranco Avilés et al. (org.), Prespectivas actuales de las fuentes del derecho, Dykinson, Madrid 2011, pp. 155-185.
• Democrazia, diritto e laicità in Norberto Bobbio, in: Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig – Alberto Iglesias Garzón, Norberto Bobbio. Aportaciones al análisis de su vida y de su obra, Dykinson, Madrid 2011, pp. 75-101.
• Revolución en el Mediterráneo: ¿hacia un Islam democrático? El problema de la libertad de religión, “Derechos y Libertades. Revista del Instituto Bartolomé de Las Casas” (Madrid), Época II, Enero 2012, n. 26, pp. 15-43.
• La prospettiva di Tordesillas come introduzione alla geopolitica spagnola, “Limes. Rivista italiana di geopolitica”, 2012, n. 4 (La Spagna non è l’Uganda), pp. 115-126.

In press:
• Viaggiatori spagnoli nel Giappone occidentalizzato. “Revista de Historiografía” (Madrid).
• Gregorio Peces-Barba Martínez et al., Historia de los derechos fundamentales:
a) I diritti fondamentali nelle costituzioni brasiliane del XX secolo
(Los derechos humanos en las constituciones brasileñas)
b) I diritti fondamentali nelle costituzioni tedesche del XX secolo.
c) Laicismo e pluralismo politico in Turchia dalla fine dell’Impero ottomano a oggi.