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Perfiles investigadores de La Noche Europea de Madrid 2023

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Antonio Acosta Iborra

Antonio Acosta Iborra

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Antonio Acosta Iborra es catedrático de Máquinas y Motores Térmicos en el Departamento de Ingeniería Térmica y de Fluidos de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Doctor en Ingeniería Mecánica y de Organización industrial e Ingeniero Industrial (UC3M), también es graduado en Físicas (UNED). Lleva investigando más de 20 años en diversos temas, incluyendo la simulación numérica de la transferencia de calor y masa en procesos de interés industrial, el uso de imagen digital de partículas para comprender flujos y lechos fluidizados, y la aplicación de métodos analíticos en transferencia de calor. Actualmente, su investigación está centrada en el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías para la generación renovable de energía mediante energía solar de concentración, con especial énfasis en el análisis y modelado termo-estructural de receptores tubulares e intercambiadores de calor para la futura generación de plantas termosolares de torre. Además de su pasión por la ciencia y la docencia, le encanta andar en la naturaleza, la jardinería y aprender idiomas.

Laura Alonso Alonso


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Licenciada en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración especialidad en Relaciones Institucionales. Tengo Cursos de Postgrado en Relaciones Institucionales y Jefe de Proyecto y Gestión de la Cámara de Comercio de Madrid. Con experiencia de más de 10 años en Comercio Internacional y Relaciones Institucionales en la Cámara de Madrid. En 2021 pasé a formar parte como gestora en el proyecto europeo de 4D-Biomap (St-Grant ERC) liderado por Daniel García González en la UC3M. El objeto de este laboratorio es desarrollar polímeros activamente magnéticos y desarrollar sus aplicaciones en Biomedicina. Fue en 2022 cuando comencé a trabajar también en otro proyecto europeo “Body in Transit” liderado por Ana Tajadura Jiménez. Yoga, caminar en la naturaleza, la cultura, una buena mesa y un buen vino con mi gente son mis aficiones favoritas.

I’m a 5 year Degree in Political Science and Administration,  with a minor in International Relations. I have Postgraduate courses on Institutional Relations and Project Management at Madrid Chamber of Commerce. Also have extensive experience on International Trade and Institutional Relations at  Madrid Chamber of Commerce where I have been working ten years with the President’s Protocol Department and later in the Communication Department. In 2021 became part of the European 4D-BIOMAP project team led by Dr. Daniel García González (UC3M). The aim of this project is to develop magnetically active polymers and its possible uses in Biomedicine.In 2022 also became part of the European “Body in Transit” project team led by Dr. Ana Tajadura in a highly multidisciplinary and international team.  Yoga, hiking, enjoying good food and cultural events are my hobbies.

Vishnu Ambikadevi Rajasekharan Nair


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Vishnu A.R. Actualmente es candidato a Doctor en el Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Análisis Estructural de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Vishnu también forma parte del proyecto PURPOSE, financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERC Starting Grant). Sus intereses de investigación se encuentran en el área amplia de la mecánica de sólidos, tanto computacional como experimental, específicamente bajo condiciones de carga extremas. Su enfoque actual está en la formación de bandas de corte adiabáticas en materiales metálicos porosos cuando se someten a cargas dinámicas. Nació y creció en Kerala, India. Antes de mudarse a España, obtuvo su Maestría (M. Tech.) en Ingeniería Aeroespacial del Instituto Indio de Tecnología de Kanpur (IIT Kanpur), India. Su investigación en IIT Kanpur se centró en materiales compuestos. También tiene una licenciatura (B.Tech) en Ingeniería Aeroespacial de la Universidad de Calicut, India. Aparte de la investigación, le encanta jugar al bádminton y hacer senderismo en las montañas.

Oscar Elías Bonilla Manrique

Oscar Elías Bonilla Manrique

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Oscar E. Bonilla-Manrique nació en Neiva (Huila, Colombia) en 1988. Es profesor del Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Recibió su doctorado. Cum laude en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la UC3M en 2020. También obtuvo su máster en Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones e Ingeniería de Sistemas Electrónicos por la misma universidad en 2015. Sus intereses de investigación se centran en el desarrollo de sensores ópticos, sistemas de medida para aplicaciones industriales. , química analítica y monitorización ambiental basada en técnicas de espectroscopia como fotoacústica, radiometría y espectroscopia de absorción/dispersión infrarroja. Además, en el desarrollo de fuentes de peine de frecuencia electroópticas para la medición óptica de compuestos. Fue investigador invitado en el Instituto de Tecnologías y Análisis Químicos (Technische Universität Wien). Entre sus hobbies, a Oscar le encanta viajar, compartir con amigos y disfrutar de los juegos de mesa.

Javier Crespo Miguel

Javier Crespo

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Javier Crespo Miguel es Graduado en Ingeniería Mecánica y Máster en Mecánica Industrial por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Actualmente es estudiante de doctorado en el Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras en la UC3M bajo una beca FPI, cuya temática se centra en la caracterización multifuncional de polímeros conductivos. Ha trabajado como personal docente-investigador en la UC3M desde 2019, con experiencia en modelado complejo de polímeros mediante el método de elementos finitos, modelado multifísico de polímeros electroactivos usando algoritmos de optimización, y caracterización experimental de polímeros conductivos. Es un gran aficionado a la música, tocando la guitarra en su tiempo libre, también disfruta de la cocina, el deporte y los viajes.

Stefano Discetti


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Stefano Discetti es catedrático en el grupo de investigación en Ingeniería Aeroespacial de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Obtuvo el título de doctor en ingeniería aeroespacial por la Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Federico II en 2013. Sus principales intereses de investigación se enmarcan en el área de la aerodinámica experimental, en particular en las técnicas de medida óptica de flujos turbulentos y en métodos para modelar y controlar su comportamiento. Es investigador principal del proyecto NEXTFLOW – Next-generation flow diagnostics for control, financiado por el European Research Council en el marco de las prestigiosas ayudas Starting Grant, en el cual desarrolla nuevas herramientas para medir flujos turbulentos utilizando métodos de inteligencia artificial. En su tiempo libre le gusta disfrutar de su familia, viajar y practicar senderismo.

Antonio Estella de Noriega

Antonio Estella

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Antonio Estella de Noriega (Madrid, 1968) is a Spanish jurist, associate professor of Administrative Law and Jean Monnet Professor "ad personam" at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). He is a renowned expert in European Union Law and in particular in the field of European Economic Governance Law, an area in which he has published one of the most important books on this matter: "Legal Foundations of EU Economic Governance", Cambridge University Press (2018). He is Director of the Master in European Economic Governance: Law Politics and Economics at UC3M from 2022. Graduated in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1991), he has a Master's in European Community Law from the University Free of Brussels (1992) and Doctor of Law from the European University Institute (1997). He collaborates with, Infolibre, El País and El HuffPost. He is passionate about mountaineering and his next challenge is Everest.

Miguel Fernández de la Torre

MIguel Fernández

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Miguel Fernández de la Torre is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media and Theory of Structures at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Graduated in Health Biology from the Universidad Alcalá de Henares, he carried out his doctoral thesis in Neuroscience at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, in a clinical and translational research framework. During this period, his research activity focused on searching for the causes of neuronal death in models of neurodegeneration and mitochondrial disease, with the aim of seeking new therapeutic approaches for these pathologies, such as exercise training or pharmacological treatments, among others. Recently, he has joined the 4D- BIOMAP project, led by Dr. Daniel García González (UC3M), focusing his research on the use of smart magnetoactive devices and their applications in biomedical research. Specifically, he evaluates the impact of mechanical forces on the function and activity of cells from nervous systems, as well as on the processes of cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. His hobbies include organizing trips, reading, sports and hiking.

Luca Franceschelli


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Luca Franceschelli is an Italian aerospace engineering researcher at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). He is pursuing his PhD in the field of aeroacoustics and jet flow control. Graduated in aerospace engineering in 2020, before joining the Experimental Aerodynamics Laboratory of UC3M, he worked at Ducati Corse, developing the aerodynamics of racing motorbikes. His research primarily revolves around optimization of jet flow control for aviation technology and noise reduction. During his experiments, he uses different diagnostic techniques combining flow visualization and probes measurements. He is also interested in the application of machine learning techniques for flow control. Beyond his academic pursuits, he enjoys diving as a hobby, exploring the fascinating underwater environments and wreckages.

Daniel García González

Daniel García

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Associate Professor  in the Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media and Theory of Structures at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Daniel García González is an industrial engineer and holds a Ph.D. from UC3M with an international mention. He carried out a postdoc at the University of Oxford where he studied the mechanical behavior of brain tissues and their functional response. He currently develops his research within the framework of the Talent Attraction program from Comunidad de Madrid and is PI of the ERC StG 4D-BIOMAP project and other national projects. He has started a laboratory that experimentally develops new multifunctional materials, as well as theoretical formulations that combine mechanics with other physics and their application to problems in bioengineering. He has carried out other research stays in numerous prestigious institutions. Among his hobbies, Daniel likes to travel, play sports, read and, recently, play the piano.

Sara Garzón Hernández

Sara Garzón

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Sara Garzón Hernández es Ingeniera Industrial y doctora en Ingeniería Mecánica con mención internacional por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Su actividad investigadora se ha centrado en la impresión 3D de diferentes materiales, especialmente polímeros, desarrollando metodologías tanto experimentales, como modelos analíticos y numéricos. En los dos años anteriores, realizó un postdoc en la Universidad de Oxford donde desarrolló herramientas numéricas para la simulación de procesos de impresión 3D en metales. Actualmente es Profesora en el Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras de la UC3M y participa en el proyecto europeo 4D-BIOMAP liderado por el Dr. Daniel García González (UC3M). Este proyecto está focalizado en el desarrollo de polímeros magnéticamente activos y su aplicación en el campo de la Biomedicina. Entre sus aficiones se encuentran la cocina, especialmente la repostería, la lectura, y viajar.

Sarvenaz Hashem Sharifi

Sarvenaz Hashem Sharifi

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I am currently a PhD student in the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), where I am also a member of the NSM group. Initially, I did my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. Later, in 2017, I moved to Spain to continue my studies. I obtained a master's degree in Industrial Mechanics between 2017 and 2019, and then completed a second master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Transportation at UC3M, during 2019-2020. After finishing my second master's degree, I started my doctoral thesis in September 2020, focusing my research on the effect of inclusions on ductile damage and material behavior. In August 2022, I published my first article related to this topic.

Clara Gómez Cruz

Clara Gomez

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Clara Gómez Cruz es estudiante de doctorado en ciencia y tecnología biomédica en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Previamente, estudió ingeniería biomédica en la misma universidad, donde también trabajó un año como técnico de ayuda a la investigación desarrollando dispositivos microfluídicos. Tras esta experiencia, realizó un máster en microfluídica en el Institute Pierre Gilles de Gennes de París. Tras volver a España, su investigación actual dentro del grupo Multibiostructures busca comprender el efecto de la estimulación mecánica durante distintos procesos del sistema nervioso como traumatismo craneoencefálico o cáncer utilizando materiales magnetoactivos.

Mohammad Hajarian


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Mohammad Hajarian is a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow and an Assistant professor at the University Carlos III of Madrid. His research fields are Online Social Networks, Gamification, Human-computer Interaction, Interaction design, Recommendation Systems, Personalization, User Engagement, Data Science, and Online Marketing. He has been the programmer, designer, founder, and director of the Gegli social network since 2003, and he uses his social network website to implement and investigate most of his algorithms and frameworks in a real environment. During his professional career, he participated in several software projects, conferences, and workshops and worked as a reviewer in several prestigious journals and conferences. Furthermore, he taught 35+ computer courses in several universities and supervised 10+ theses at the graduate and postgraduate levels. He published 50+ articles and books in computer science and software engineering. And his innovative contributions have been exploited in the social media industry.

Anil Kumar Murlidhar

Anil kumar

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Completé mi licenciatura en aeroespacial en la Universidad Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham de Coimbatore, en India. Hice mi maestría en aeroespacial en IIT Kanpur y la tesis de maestría estaba relacionada con el desarrollo y análisis micromecánico de compuestos discontinuos basados en preimpregnados. He participado en el desarrollo de un elemento de volumen representativo y predicciones de rigidez utilizando el método micromecánico para compuestos discontinuos basados en preimpregnados, el análisis ayuda a obtener la variación de las propiedades con respecto a la relación de aspecto y la fracción de volumen de la inclusión. En el trabajo experimental se han realizado modificaciones de la máquina preimpregnada para mejorar la calidad del material. El tema de mi tesis es sobre la localización múltiple y la fractura en anillos y placas metálicas impresas sometidas a expansión dinámica. Mi trabajo se divide en parte analítica, computacional y experimental. En la parte analítica de mi trabajo, he estudiado la formabilidad del estrechamiento de láminas metálicas anisotrópicas y asimétricas de tensión-compresión sometidas a trayectorias de carga en el plano que van desde tensión de deformación plana hasta tensión casi equiaxial. Hemos utilizado tres enfoques diferentes: un análisis de estabilidad lineal, un modelo no lineal de dos zonas y cálculos de elementos finitos de celda unitaria. En la parte computacional he creado una placa que consta de rugosidades superficiales y huecos distribuidos aleatoriamente. He estudiado el comportamiento de estrechamiento del modelo utilizando ABAQUS e Hyper mesh para el mallado. En la parte experimental de la tesis, realicé una prueba de expansión de anillo en una muestra de anillo en la Universidad de Texas en Austin, en EEUU.

Pedro José Jimenez Jimenez

Pedro José

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Pedro Jiménez is an Aerospace Engineer at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). He is currently studying for a doctorate in Aerospace Engineering at the same university under the direction of Professors Mario Merino and Eduardo Ahedo. His research focuses on the analysis of wave propagation in electrodeless plasma thrusters and on the development of models and simulation codes for the study of the physics of plasmas in these devices. He has participated in international conferences and published in prestigious scientific journals. He is currently part of the ERC ZARATHUSTRA project and has worked on various national and European projects. He recently completed a doctoral stay at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM, USA). He is a great fan of mountain sports and cycling.

Marisa López Donaire

María Lopez

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Maria Luisa Lopez Donaire is a chemical engineer (UCLM) and holds a PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid, doing her doctoral thesis at the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (CSIC). Her research activity has focused on the design of polymeric system for their drug delivery and tissue engineering. She has carried out several pre-doctoral stays at prestigious centres such as the University of Washington and the King´s College London. It is also worth mentioning his postdoctoral stay at the University of Toronto. In all these centres she has worked in multidisciplinary teams which has enriched her background. Currently, she participates in the 4D-BIOMAP European project led by Dr. Daniel García González (UC3M). She is focused on the rheological characterization of smart inks for their manufacturing of magnetically active scaffolds through 4D-printing. 

Qihong Lorena Li Hu

Qihong Lorena Li Hu

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Qihong Lorena Li Hu is a student of Master in Aeronautical Engineering at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), where she completed a Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering in 2022. At this moment, she is also investigating for the Aerospace Engineering group of UC3M. Her area of interest is Experimental Aerodynamics where she is working on the development of reduced-order models for the prediction of controlled fluid systems. Among some of her interests, we can find traveling, cooking, and organizing group activities. Furthermore, in her free time, she likes doing sports such as climbing, jumping rope, surfing, and volleyball. 

Mario Merino Martínez

Mario Merino

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Mario Merino es doctor ingeniero aeronáutico por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2013) y actualmente profesor titular en el Departamento de Ingeniería Aeroespacial de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Ha recibido el Premio prof. Kuriki de propulsión eléctrica, el Premio de Excelencia 2021 de la UC3M, y el premio Fundación SENER a la mejor tesis doctoral en ingeniería. Su pasión es la propulsión espacial por plasma y su investigación se centra en el desarrollo nuevas tecnologías, como las toberas magnéticas, para acelerar sin contacto plasmas a grandes velocidades, el diseño de nuevos tipos de motores espaciales, como el motor helicón, y en la mejora de la eficiencia de los existentes. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en MIT, UCLA y la Universidad de Stuttgart. Mario es el investigador principal de la ERC Starting Grant ZARATHUSTRA. En su tiempo libre, le encanta pasear por la montaña y la naturaleza, viajar y disfrutar leyendo y tocando el piano.

Máximo Morales Céspedes


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Máximo Morales Céspedes (Valdepeñas, C. Real, 1986) received the B.Sc., and M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, in 2010, 2012, 2015, respectively, all in electrical engineering, with a specialization in Multimedia and Communications. In 2012 he was finalist of the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest. From 2015 to 2017 he has been working as a postdoctoral fellow with the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) at UniversiteCatholique de Louvain. Currently, he is with the Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. His research activity is focused on the development of visible light communications, also known as LiFi. Specifically, this technology is applied to environments in which providing connectivity through tradional radiofrequency links results challenging or even banned, as occurs in some tunnels, oil&gas plants or hospitals. On a personal level, Máximo's hobbies are traveling and music, especially playing drums in his group DamnatioMemoriae. In addition, he highlights his love for cooking.

Álvaro Moreno Soto

Alvaro Moreno

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Álvaro Moreno Soto is a stress and artificial intelligence engineer at CT Engineering Group and MSCA fellow at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. After finishing his studies as aerospace engineer at Universidad de Sevilla, he decided to start his international adventure: a master at Technische Universität München (Germany), a PhD at Universiteit Twente (The Netherlands) and two stays at University of Utah and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). After almost 10 years abroad, he decided to return to his homeland and continue his career as researcher at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Currently, he shares his time between his research career and his job in the aerospace industry. He is a history lover andis studying another degree at UNED, enjoying each course at a time. He also enjoys sports a lot,especially when practising team sports. He is also a football fanatic: can you guess his favorite team by his picture?

Celia Sobrino Fernández

Celia Sobrino

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Celia Sobrino is an associate professor in the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Department at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). She received a doctorate in engineering in 2008 and held a postdoc position at TU Delft. Her PhD thesis focused on the hydrodynamics of fluidized beds. During her PhD, she was a visiting researcher at the University of British Columbia, where she worked on industrial turbulent fluidized beds. After the PhD she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft on an EU project related to biomass combustion led by the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands. Her current research interests include concentrating solar energy, thermal energy storage and heat transfer. She has supervised two PhD theses and is currently supervising an industrial doctorate on 3D printed heat pipes, a PhD thesis on novel materials for use in high temperature and extreme conditions, and a PhD thesis on the thermomechanical study of molten salt solar receivers for concentrating solar power plants. She coordinates the TOPCSP project, a doctoral network of the Horizon Europe's MSCA.

Manuel Fernando Soler Arnedo

Manuel Soler

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Manuel Soler is an associate professor at the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), where he is director of the Doctoral Program in Aerospace Engineering and a member of the Aerospace Engineering research group, from where he directs the Laboratory of Aeronautical Operations of the UC3M. He has carried out research stays at ETH Zürich and the U.C. Berkeley and has been a visiting professor at MIT. He is currently developing two lines of research: 1) the application of artificial intelligence techniques to problems related to aeronautical meteorology, air traffic management and climate change; 2) optimization of aircraft trajectories and climate change. He has published over 90 articles in Web of Science journals and conferences, many of these publications in international collaboration. He is/has been coordinator of the SESAR HORIZON E-CONTRAIL and SESAR H2020 ALARM and START projects, and also participates as PI in several European projects H2020, HORIZON EUROPE, national and regional projects, many of them related to climate change. He has been awarded the SESAR prize for young scientists in 2013 and the Luis Azcárraga prize from ENAire in 2016 and 2019, the SESAR JU Awards 2021 – Sustainability Award, as well as the 2023 Digital Sky Award – ISOBAR, Best Exploratory Research project. As a scientist, he has a marked vocation for communication and transfer of results, highlighting: the ClimaCCF open library (related to aviation and climate change), developed within the framework of the FlyATM4E and ALARM SESAR projects; the dissemination activities of the Researchers' Night and/or Science Week; the dissemination of the results of the ALARM, START and E-CONTRAIL projects, which he has coordinated, and which include videos, radio interviews and press releases translated into several languages; and, finally, the creation of the Start Up AI-METHODs, in the process of being formalized as a UC3M Spin-Off. In his free time he likes to play sports and write. In addition to some fictional stories that have appeared in various media, in 2022 he published the children's illustrated album “La que Luce” ( and is currently working on a second children's illustrated album with the provisional title “La astropatrulla basurilla”.

Guadalupe Vadillo Martin


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Guadalupe Vadillo completed her Industrial Engineering studies at Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) in 2001. After working in the private sector for two years, she began her academic career and defended her doctoral thesis at UC3M in 2007, receiving the highest distinction of "Sobresaliente Cum Laude." She was also awarded the extraordinary doctoral prize from UC3M for the 2008/2009 biennium, and her thesis received the Third Prize in the II Doctoral Thesis Competition organized by the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Madrid in 2007.Currently, Guadalupe Vadillo is the director of the Bachelor in Industrial Technologies Engineering at UC3M and is involved in teaching and research activities in the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the university. She is also the coordinator of a European project Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges, part of the Excellent Science section of the Horizon Europe program. This project, known as "DIAGONAL," is scheduled to take place between 2023 and 2027 and involves ten universities and research centers, including four European institutions, four American ones, one Australian, and one Brazilian. Its objective is to create collaborative networks to promote knowledge exchange by facilitating the mobility of its members through research stays and dissemination activities. Guadalupe Vadillo has also served as the coordinator for various work packages in different European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions projects and was the director of several national research projects obtained through competitive public calls. Additionally, she has published a total of 26 articles in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Outside of her professional pursuits, Guadalupe Vadillo enjoys traveling, going to the cinema, theater, and engaging in various artistic activities.

Thomas Virazels

Thomas Virazels

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Thomas completed two Masters at INSA Toulouse (France) focused on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Research in Mechanics. Before joining the UC3M as a PhD student, he did an internship at CERN (Switzerland) for six months to carry out his master's thesis. During this stay, he worked on the physical properties (mechanical and thermal) of micrometric wires in Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) under extreme conditions such as very high temperatures, for example. The objective of his PhD is to give a better understanding of the phenomena that appear during high-velocity impacts. Spall fracture and ring fragmentation are the most famous cases in this area. He is part of the THEOREM project of the NSM group at UC3M. Outside of his technical field, Thomas is interested in sports and more precisely in rugby and he practices swimming every week.