Innovative device developed to allow ostomy patients to control their own continence
Created by a new UC3M spin-off
A new spin-off of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Gregorio Marañón Hospital Biomedical Research Foundation (FIBHGM, in its Spanish acronym) and the Jiménez Díaz Foundation Health Research Institute (IIS-FJD, in its Spanish acronym), has developed an innovative solution for ostomy patients (surgeries in which an opening is made to connect the intestine to the abdominal wall). Ownmed Innovation is a medical technology company specialising in the development of products to improve surgical outcomes and streamline healthcare delivery.

In medical interventions where an ostomy has to be performed, the traditional solution is to fit the person with an ostomy bag. This system consists of plastic bags that are attached to the abdomen and serve to collect faeces. Each patient must empty the bag several times a day and change it daily with the risk of staining that this entails.
Owmed Innovation's main technology is the Ostofix device, a system that enables the ostomy patient to control their continence and allows them to decide when to remove the waste material. This means a significant improvement in the quality of life of people with this type of surgery, as it allows an intestinal transit which is as close to normal as possible. The solution doesn't require additional surgery or medical prescription.
Compared to existing alternatives, Ostfix enables self-management of the expulsion of faecal and urinary material and reduces the risk of staining during collection. This brings about a substantial improvement in the quality of life of ostomy patients, which also has an impact on mental health.
Ownmed Innovation is a company founded by Ana Ye, an alumnus of the UC3M Bioengineering Bachelor's degree. Also part of the entrepreneurial team are Manuel Desco, a professor in the University's Bioengineering and Aerospace Department; Jesús García-Foncillas, director of the Cancer Institute and the Oncology Department at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital; and Joaquín Solanes, director of the SPI Business Consultancy.