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New UC3M R+D+i map to innovate in the area of road transport and mobility


The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has developed a new knowledge map detailing scientific activity, patents and other research results in the field of road transport and mobility.

Nuevo mapa I+D+i de la UC3M para innovar en el área del transporte y movilidad por carretera

The R&D&i compiled in this document is multidisciplinary and highlights the work carried out by the ITV Equipment Calibration Laboratory (LABITV), the "Duque de Santomauro" Institute of Motor Vehicle Safety (ISVA, in its Spanish acronym) and 27 research groups from 13 fields of knowledge: Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering; Computer Science; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Systems Engineering and Automation; Telematics Engineering; Thermal and Fluids Engineering; Continuum Mechanics and Structure Theory; Electronic Technology; Signal and Communications Theory; Private Law; Economics, and Physics.

The R&D&i maps show UC3M's scientific capabilities to innovate in different market sectors and seek solutions for society. It is also useful for research staff and the business sector interested in creating synergies with the University. The information listed comes from periodically updated databases.

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