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UC3M wins the 2nd Edition of the Tax Law Moot Court


A team of students from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has won first prize in the 2nd Edition of the Tax Law Moot Court, a trial simulation competition, aimed at undergraduate or postgraduate students from Spanish universities, in which 15 student teams participated.

La UC3M gana la II Edición del Moot Court de Derecho Tributario

Team of UC3M students (Analía Bianca Cozzarelli Muñoz de Baena and Martín Caballero Rigal, in the centre) receiving the winning team award from Juan Zornoza (left), professor of Financial and Tax Law at UC3M. On the right, the team's coach, Rebeca Ibáñez García, lecturer of Financial and Tax Law at UC3M.

The UC3M team won after competing in the final against the team from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), in an event held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)'s School of Legal Practice. Furthermore, in this second edition, the prize for the best lawyer in the oral rounds was awarded to Analía Bianca Cozzarelli Muñoz de Baena, a UC3M student, who formed a team with Martín Caballero Rigal. The team coach was Rebeca Ibáñez García, a lecturer of financial and tax law at UC3M.

This initiative aims to provide students with a simulated practical experience to allow them to develop their vocation within the branch of tax law. The main objective of the Tax Law Moot Court is to encourage study and practical specialization in this branch of law, a specialization of the law that is constantly evolving and has great social relevance.

The competition has revolved around a case study prepared by experts and has been developed through a written and oral phase. These stages were evaluated by a panel of recognized tax law specialists with extensive professional experience in the field from the legal profession, academia, the judiciary and tax administration.

This event was organised by UCM, UAM and UC3M, three institutions with extensive teaching and research experience in the field of tax law. In addition, several law firms and other collaborating entities, such as Cuatrecasas, Pérez-Llorca, Uría Menéndez and the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors (AEDAF, in its Spanish acronym), were also involved in organising and promoting the event.