UC3M presents its R+D+i outreach activities programme at European Researchers’ Night 2023
29th and 30th of September
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), is organising a series of outreach activities, such as talks and scientific demonstrations, workshops, theatrical performances, guided tours and webinars, as part of the European Researchers’ Night 2023, an event aimed at all audiences which is held on the same weekend throughout Europe. To attend the activities, which will take place both in person and online this year, it is necessary to book a place on the event’s website.

The bulk of the activities will take place on UC3M’s Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus during the afternoon and evening of Friday 29th September. One activity will begin at 6 pm: an interactive talk to discover how the space plasma thrusters of the future are being developed. Two activities will take place at 7 pm: a virtual visit to a theme park (the Porosityc Park) to study pores in metals; and a talk (the only one in English) on gamification in social media. Finally, at 8 pm there will be a talk on the impact of Artificial Intelligence for air traffic control.
On the morning of Friday 29th, an activity will be held for secondary schools. At 11:15 am in the UC3M Auditorium there will be a theatrical show with talks by researchers on various aspects related to the challenges of a green Europe, such as concentrated solar power, the impact of aircraft contrails on climate change, wireless communications with lower energy consumption or the use of lasers in livestock farming to monitor gases that are harmful to climate change.
During this event there will also be two guided tours to UC3M scientific facilities. On Friday 29th at 6 pm at the UC3M Leganés Campus, visitors will be able to visit an aerospace research laboratory where various techniques are being tested to better understand fluid dynamics and achieve more sustainable aircraft. On Saturday 30th at 10 am there will be another guided tour to a laboratory in the UC3M Science Park to see how tests on technological developments are being carried out to communicate with our cells.
These UC3M activities are part of the European Researchers' Night in Madrid, an event which includes numerous free scientific outreach activities and is being held simultaneously in more than 350 European cities. In Madrid, this project to support the careers of research staff, called MADRIDNIGHT, is promoted by the Vice-Presidency, Ministry of Education and Universities and coordinated by the madri+d Foundation, and is funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement number 101,061,343.
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