UC3M presents its R+D+i outreach activities programme at European Researchers’ Night 2022
Friday 30th September and Saturday 1st October
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), through its Vice Chancellor’s Office for Communication and Culture, has organised a series of outreach activities, such as talks and scientific demonstrations, workshops, theatrical performances, guided tours and webinars, as part of the European Researchers’ Night 2022, an event aimed at all audiences which is held on the same weekend throughout Europe. To attend the activities, which will take place both in person and online this year, it is necessary to book a place from the 19th of September on the event’s website.

Half of the activities will take place on UC3M’s Madrid-Puerta de Toledo campus during the afternoon and evening of Friday 30th September. A talk/demonstration on the possibilities of 5G technology will begin at 5 pm, and at 6 pm two other activities will be held to learn about the future of intelligent traffic and to reflect on our relationship with water and daily well-being. At 7 pm two other activities will be held: one to discover the world of materials and the other to take a virtual trip through the world’s existing catacombs. Finally, at 7:30 pm, there will be a live demonstration on how to find a social network user among millions of profiles with only generic information about their interests and skills.
During the morning of Friday 30th, two activities will be held for secondary schools. First, at 11 am in the UC3M Auditorium, there will be a theatrical show with talks by researchers on various aspects related to our well-being, such as water, pollution caused by aeroplanes, the health of our cells or technology’s impact on our body’s perception. Secondly, at 12 pm in another space on the Leganés campus, there will be a talk on the artificial skin which is manufactured by 3D bioprinting in UC3M’s research laboratories.
During the afternoon of Friday 27th September, two other activities will be held. A webinar on diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of open science will begin at 5 pm, while at 6 pm on the Leganés campus, there will be a workshop and demonstration on how to reduce the environmental impact of aeroplanes.
Two activities will take place on Saturday 1st October. At 10 am there will be a guided tour of a laboratory at the UC3M Science Park to carry out tests with magneto-active smart materials that can stimulate our cells. In the afternoon, at 5 pm, there will be a webinar explaining how to combine different disciplines (biology, engineering, chemistry...) and solve common problems.
These UC3M activities are part of the European Researchers’ Night, an event which includes numerous free scientific outreach activities and which is held simultaneously in more than 350 European cities. In the Community of Madrid, this project is promoted by the Ministry of Science, Universities and Innovation, coordinated by the madri+d Foundation and funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement number 101,061,343. This project to support the career of research staff aims to raise awareness of their role and the importance of their work for society’s well-being.
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