UC3M participates as shareholder in the spin-off company, Evidence-Based Behavior (eB2)
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is participating asshareholder in the company Evidence-Based Behavior (eB2), created by Universidad researchers, after ten years of workingwith psychiatrists.
The spin-off has developed eB2 MindCare, an eHealth app that provides its users, healthcare personnel and patients, caregivers and their families with a functional assessment of the state of individuals in psychiatric treatment. The system facilitates useful and interpretable information through personalized and automated behavior assessment tools, which can be integrated in an easy, cost-effective, and flexible wayinto any healthcare service.
This comprehensive system automatically and continuously gathers user activity through a mobile phone or any other smart device, providing information about mobility, physical and social activity, mobile phone use, sleep data and emotional state. For mental health patient care, it provides healthcare personnel with the patient’s state in real time in order to improve care and treatment, while at the same time optimizing efficiency in hospital and appointment management, which contributes to lowering mental health treatment costs that today in Spain exceed 80,000 million euros annually.
The shareholder team of eB2 is mostly made up of University researchers. With the signing of this agreement, UC3M forms part of the social capital and governing entity for the technology-based company.
With the addition of this company, UC3M now participates in four spin-offs and which are supported by the UC3M Business Incubator and Accelerator Program. The other three companies are Laboratorio Hipermedia, Power Smart Control and Sensia Solutions.