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Conference with José Sacristán at the CBA

30th Anniversary of the UC3M


The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) will hold a conference with José Sacristán on Tuesday the 11 th of February at 7:30pm on the occasion of the 30 th Anniversary of the UC3M. Pilar Carrera, the Vicepresident of Communication and Culture at the UC3M will converse with the actor in the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid.

Fotografía de José Sacristán

José Sacristán, one of the most significant artists of our acting scene, is an extraordinary reference to the cultural memory of our country and the radical changes that occurred over the course of just a few decades. Cinema, television, theatre and social and political involvement mark his career as a public man. The conference will revolve around his work from the perspective of someone who has not only been a firsthand witness of our contemporary history, but who has also stood out because of his perceptive and critical point of view of the world around him.

José Sacristán was born in Chinchón (Madrid) in 1937. He comes from a humble family. His father, a republican farmer, was sentenced to imprisonment after the Spanish Civil War, which forced the actor to start working at a young age. Self-taught, he was always interested in acting and during his early years, he balanced acting in amateur groups with his job in a garage. His first performance in professional theatre was in 1960, and his cinematographic début came from the hands of the producer Pedro Masó, in “La familia y uno más” in 1965. Since then he has not stopped acting in film, theatre and television. “Señora de rojo sobre fondo gris”; “Vente a Alemania, Pepe”; “La colmena”; “La vaquilla”; “El viaje a ninguna parte”; “Yo soy Don Quijote de la Mancha”; “Un hombre llamado Flor de Otoño”…; with these titles and dozens more, he passes through the last 60 years of our country.

The UC3M is a public university that is innovative and involved in improving society through cutting edge research and high quality teaching, in accordance with the strictest international guidelines. It is placed 34 th on a global level in the QS ranking of the Top 50 Under 50 and is included in the Times Higher Education (THE) 150 under 50. It is the first university overall in Spain and third in Europe for the number of students that participate in the Erasmus programme and holds more than 870 agreements with universities from 56 countries, amongst which are some of the best universities in the world according to ShanghaiRanking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities. 20% of UC3M students are international students. The UC3M has various accreditations and quality distinctions, such as the EUR-ACE label in the field of Engineering and AACSB accreditation in Business and Finance courses, among others.

For more information about this conference:

For more information about the UC3M’s 30 th Anniversary activities: