The UC3M presents its new Report on Research and Transfer
La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) presents its Report on Research and Transfer for 2017-2018, which includes the key parameters of the R&D+i carried out by the institution. In addition to data from the last two years, this report includes information about research activity and innovation over the last five years related to projects, scientific work, transfer and mobility as well as other aspects.
This new edition of the report is available in a multimedia format, with an English version and more than 70 videos about the UC3M’s research groups and ERC grants. The information is structured in such a way that it allows access to the University’s key financial data and the results from each department. In order to make the information easier to understand, dynamic graphs have been created to help interpret the data for each chapter. This edition includes a new feature which allows you to download the data and graphs in a spreadsheet format in order to make them easier to use and visualise.
In this period there has been a 32% increase in the funds raised from European programmes compared to the same period in the previous report. In this sense, UC3M strengthens its leadership with its participation in the Horizon 2020 European Framework Programme (H2020), coordinating 20% of the projects awarded.
The contracting of scientific and technological works by companies is another of the main ways of financing R&D&I carried out by universities. In this sense it is worth noting the number and amount of R&D contracts entered into, which have reached almost 8 million euros in funding.
Attracting research talent
In recent years, the UC3M has made a great effort to attract research talent through the development of different programmes. Throughout 2017-2018 a total of 36 PhDs has joined the University through a number of public calls for applications. Within H2020, the the ERC (European Research Council) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie schemes have been fundamental in actively attracting talent.
The University already has 8 ERC projects that receive overall funding of about 11.5 million euros, which represents 30% of the finance raised through the H2020 programme. The 12% success rate of the University’s ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants is above the Spanish average (8.8%), according to the latest report submitted by the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology.
The UC3M has had great success in the first round of applications for the Community of Madrid’s industrial doctorates programme. During the period covered by this report, 12 grants have been awarded through the programme, which represents around 10% of the total grants awarded.
Creation and consolidation of knowledge-based companies
The data in this report shows that the UC3M has a partnership interest in four of its spin-offs: Sensia Solutions, S.L., Laboratorio Hipermedia, S.L., Power Smart Control, S.L. and Evidence Based Behavior, S.L. It has become a shareholder, with minority and temporary shareholdings, in order to develop its capacity to transfer its technological research.
During 2018 and 2019 the UC3M updated its portfolio of start-ups and spin-offs by incorporating highly promising new ventures and ranking the companies already within its portfolio. In total, 31 companies, 14 of which were developed at the Node UC3M - ESA BIC Madrid Region. Overall, 46.43% of the companies selected for this program by the European Space Agency in Madrid have opted to develop their business at the node UC3M.
The monitoring and business support of the current spin-offs has expanded the training opportunities for Teaching and Research Staff at the UC3M in the areas of evaluating research results and creating spin-offs. Specifically, 51 researchers have been trained in two editions of the training programme.
Employment of young researchers and patents
In 2018, the aggregate turnover figure for the complete portfolio of companies developed at the UC3M was greater than 11 million euros and employed 178 workers (with 50% being young researchers). The R&D investment of these companies amounted to 3 million euros (a 7.14% increase on the R&D investment figure compared to the previous year) and led to 6 new patents, with 5 being granted in 2018.
Thanks to their high innovation potential, these companies have managed to attract more than 2 million euros in national and international public funding. This situation has special relevance for H2030’s SME instrument, which has to date attracted 1.47 million euros of private investment and half a million euros in financing from banks. Other economic returns relate to collaborative R&D+i by research groups at the UC3M, the refurbishment of research chairs, royalty income via contracts related to business support schemes, and the overall employability of the UC3M’s recent graduates.
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