The UC3M and FECYT inaugurate the exhibition "Women who changed the world"
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) inaugurates the exhibition "Women who changed the world, and who are changing the world in the Leganés Technology Park" within the framework of the presentation of the second edition of "Science and Technology from a Feminine Perspective", an initiative promoted by the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) to make visible the contribution to R&D&i of women throughout history.
The official welcome was held today jointly in 17 science parks across Spain. In the UC3M Science Park, in the Leganés Technology Park, Paloma Domingo, the director general of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT); Juan José Vaquero, vice-chancellor of Scientific Policy; and Mónica Campos, vice-chancellor of Students and Equality of the UC3M presented the programme.
During the event, Juan José Vaquero alluded to the gender gap in scientific careers and highlighted "the capacity of science and technology parks to promote STEM vocations and thus contribute to creating a more competitive innovation system". Paloma Domingo highlighted FECYT's work in the different phases of the cycle of women in science and innovation, from the earliest ages to research courses, generating interest and providing them with real experiences, helping research centres and universities to create more transparent and egalitarian cultural environments.
The exhibition, open to the public during the month of October in the UC3M Science Park, is structured in three parts. The first consists of eight panels with information on 15 women relevant to the history of science and technology: Ada LoveLace, Alice Ba, Arlene Sharpe, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Cristiane Nusslein – Volhard, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Hedy Lammar, Hipatia de Alejandría, Katherine Jackson, Lene Vestergaard Hau, Marie Curie, Margarita Salas, Rita Levi-Montalccini, Rosalind Franklin and Valentina Tereshkova.
The second is made up of two panels showing the scientific activity of the UC3M researchers, Natalia Fabra and Concha Monje, and the technologists Ana Pérez, co-founder of the start-up Canard Drones, and Isabel Ferrando, head of innovation at Thales España. Finally, a third panel presents the work of 24 young people studying STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), who are part of companies in the University Science Park and Leganés Technology Park.
During the inauguration, the three workshops that will take place as part of the "Science and Technology from a Feminine Perspective", a programme that will be developed with the UC3M which aims to promote scientific vocations among high school students in the Community of Madrid, were also announced.
The conference was organised by the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support Service (SEI) of the Vice-Chancellor’s office for Scientific Policy, in collaboration with the Student Guidance Centre of the Vice-Chancellor’s for Students and Equality of the UC3M. The project is financed by the Aid Scheme for the Promotion of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Culture 2019 of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; and by the Scheme for Common Entities 2018 of the Community of Madrid and the European Regional Development Fund - ERDF of the European Union.
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