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New UC3M MOOCs in edX and MiríadaX

Open and free online courses


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has launched a new edition of MOOCs which will begin to be taught in the coming months through the international platforms edX and MiríadaX, with subjects such as calligraphy, cyber security, medieval history of Toledo, microeconomics, classical mythology and Java programming.  MOOCs to be repeated address the conquest of space, the manuscripts of medieval Burgos and the secrets of writing quality computer codes.

Nuevos MOOCs de la UC3M en edX y MiríadaX

Since 2014, UC3M has participated in edX, a digital education platform that has become an international standard, promoted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University to offer MOOCs. Furthermore, UC3M has been part of MiríadaX since its inception in 2013. This platform, run by Universia, has become the model in Latin America.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free of charge and can be accessed by anyone, and the institutions that offer them vouch for their quality. They can complement courses of residential students, serve as orientation for future students and, of course, be used to disseminate knowledge globally.

New MOOCs:

Classical Myths and Today’s World
Start date: February 21, 2017. MiríadaX
Learn the essential myths of classical antiquity and their influence on Western culture. 

Fundamentals of Microeconomics
Start date: 7 March 2017. edX.
Acquire a solid foundation of economic concepts and learn how markets function. 

Cyber Security Basics: A Hands-on Approach
Start date: 14 March 2017. edX.
Learn to think like a hacker but act like an expert in security. 

Introduction to Calligraphy and Paleography in Medieval and Modern Hispanic Archives
Start date: 21 March 2017. edX.
Learn in an innovative way about historical handwriting through the reading and writing of types. 

Cyber Security Basics: A Hands-on Approach
Start date: 14 March 2017. edX.
Learn to think like a hacker but act like an expert in security. 

Introduction to Calligraphy and Paleography in Medieval and Modern Hispanic Archives
Start date: 21 March 2017. edX.
Learn in an innovative way about historical handwriting through the reading and writing of types. 

Introduction to Programming with Java. Part: 3 - Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms
Start date: 25 April 2017. edX.
Improve programming in Java through algorithms and data structures. 

Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Toledo (Spain)
Start date: 9 May 2017. edX.
Explore the city of Toledo through manuscripts from the Middle Ages.
Note: link to be announced soon

New editions of MOOCs:

Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Burgos (Spain)
Start date: 14 February 2017
Explore medieval Burgos and analyze Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultural coexistence. 

Introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS): A Survival Guide
Start date: 21 February 2017. edX.
Learn about Management Information Systems and their importance in companies. 

The Conquest of Space: Space Exploration and Rocket Science
Start date: 28 February 2017
Learn the history of space exploration and the fundamentals of aerospace engineering.

Other MOOCs that have already started:

Introduction to Programming with Java: Part 1 - Starting to Code with Java
Began 4 October 2016
Learn to program with Java in an easy, interactive way. 

Introduction to Programming with Java: Part 2 - Writing Good Code
Began 1 November 2016
Learn to encrypt good programs in Java correctly and efficiently.