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UC3M receives the HR Excellence in Research Award for human resources policies for researchers

Quality distinction granted by the EU


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has received the HR Excellence in Research Award, a distinction bestowed by the European Commission as public recognition of research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resources policies with the principles set out in the European Charter and Code for researchers.

HR Excellence in Research

UC3M began this process at the end of 2015, when it signed the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Both documents guarantee that researchers have the same rights and obligations in all European countries. They are key elements in European Union policy for making research an attractive career, and are essential in the strategy for stimulating employment and economic growth in Europe.

The HRS4R—Human Resources Strategy for Researchers—of UC3M implements the principles of the Charter and Code, which has earned it the HR Excellence in Research Logo. This distinction is recognition of UC3M’s commitment to the continuous improvement of human resources policies for researchers in accordance with the principles set out in the Charter and Code. UC3M now joins Aalto University (Finland), the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and Maastricht University (the Netherlands) as recipients of the distinction.

UC3M is carrying out this project through different actions in the sphere of human resources and research aimed at optimizing the work environment to attract world-class researchers and retain existing talent. The main goals of this two-year action plan are to guarantee transparency in the selection criteria and hiring process, develop a career plan for different researchers, promote the professional qualifications and cross-curricular skills of scientists to achieve excellence in research and formulate a Code of Good of Conduct in Research for UC3M.

The UC3M HRS4R project is coordinated by the Office of the Vice-chancellor for Faculty in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-chancellor for Scientific Policy and is promoted by the University Human Resources and Organization Service in collaboration with the Research Service.

Further information:  HRS4R: estrategia de recursos humanos para investigadores