Hyperion Materials & Technologies Spain is looking for a R&D Engineer – Materials & Grade Development
Hyperion Materials & Technologies is a global, full-line provider of nnovative cemented carbide, diamond and cubic boron nitride solutions. We enable our customers to improve business performance with effective and wear-resistant tools, applications and components in hard and super-hard materials. We offer product solutions, unique services and application development expertise to support our customers' competitive needs, and our global extension enables us to provide our customers with local support.
Distinguished Lecture Series: Prof. Elena Gordo - Powder technologies for advanced manufacturing of metals and metal-ceramic composites.

La profesora Elena Gordo, directora del Grupo de Tecnología de Polvos de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, impartirá el próximo 19 de junio el seminario “Powder Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing of Metals and Metal-Ceramic Composites” en el marco de las Distinguised Lecture Series de la School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia. Más información...

Last 13th April, MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE programm will celebrate the Third Edition of the Annual Meeting, in the framework of the XVII Jornada de Materiales of the URJC. The meeting was structured in the priority areas of the program: Clean Transport, Sustainable Energy and Health and Well-Being. Students from the program presented the advances in their research through a dynamical and enthusiastic format.
Desarrollo de recubrimientos de altas prestaciones Anti-corrosivas de nueva generación

Desarrollo de recubrimientos de altas prestaciones Anti-corrosivas de nueva generación
El proyecto RECORD, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad a través del Programa Retos-Colaboración 2015 con nº de expediente RTC-2015-3513-5, desarrollado por el consorcio empresa ISAVAL, AIDIMME y GTP-UC3M, siendo la Dra. Antonia Jiménez-Morales la investigadora principal en la universidad, entra con éxito en su último año de financiación.
El proyecto pretende obtener en una sola capa la funcionalidad aportada por un sistema convencional de pintura anti-corrosiva, por lo que en un único producto poder obtener las prestaciones de una imprimación con sus inhibidores, de los aditivos y las prestaciones de una capa de acabado. Para ello se plantea el desarrollo de recubrimientos de tipo sol-gel multifuncionales para componentes metálicos, principalmente aceros, competitivos a nivel industrial.
Best poster award PMTi 2017

The Group of Powder Technology (GTP) has participated in the 4th International Conference on Titanium Powder Metallurgy & Additive Manufacturing, held in Xi'an, China (8-10 September 2017) and received the Best Poster Award for the work entitled "Fatigue and oxidation behaviour of low-cost PM Ti-Fe alloys", developed in collaboration with the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Participation of GTP on EuroPM2017 and Keynote Paper
The Group of Powder Technology (GTP) has participated in the European Conference of Powder Metallurgy, held in Milan (1-5 October 2017) with 7 oral contributions. One of them was selected for the keynote paper award (J, Ureña et al. Mechanical Properties And Wear Behaviour Evaluation Of PM Modified Ti Surfaces Designed For Biomedical Applications) which was given during the opening session of the conference.
The Group of Powder Metallurgy is part of the new project PM Life, funded by the KIC Raw Materials
PM Life is a new lifelong training programme to help develop the Powder Metallurgy Future. The course offers five weeks training and an optional internship covering five strands:
Powder and Hard Metals, Press and Sinter, Additive Manufacturing, Metal Injection Moulding and Hot Isostatic Pressing.
The course will be held at Universities, Research Centres and Industrial Companies throughout Europe, such as Chalmers, Fraunhofer IFAM, Grenoble INP, UC3M, MTC, Hoganas, Sandvik, etc.
A website has been launched and is going to be completed in the near future: www.pmlifetraining.com
Express your interest by completing a short survey at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PMLifeSurvey
The BEST Poster presented in “2017 Sol-Gel Meeting”

The poster presented by Arancha Sierra-Fernandez et al. “Sol-Gel synthesis, characterization and antifungal properties of MgO, ZnO and Mg/Zn oxide nanoparticles developed for the protection of stone heritage“ has received an award for the BEST Poster presented in “2017 Sol-Gel Meeting” celebrated in 3-8 Sept. Liege, Belgium. By this reason, Arancha Sierra-Fernandez has received a kind invitation from the Editor-in-Chief of JSST to submit a paper about the work which, if accepted, will appear in the Second Special Issue (S.I.) “The 19th International Sol-Gel Conference, Liège (Belgium), Sept 3-8, 2017” dedicated only to the Best Oral and Poster Presentations.
El Grupo de Tecnología de Polvos de la UC3M junto a AIMME y la empresa PINTURAS ISAVAL, S.L. está desarrollando recubrimientos con altas prestaciones anticorrosivas a través del Proyecto de I+D+i: DESARROLLO DE RECUBRIMIENTOS DE ALTAS PRESTACIONES ANTI-CORRROSIVAS DE NUEVA GENERACIÓN, RECORD.
PhD in Advanced Heat Sink Materials in The University of Waikato. New Zealand
PhD in Advanced Heat Sink Materials in The University of Waikato. New Zealand CLOSED
Qualification type: PhD
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Funding amount: NZ $22,000 per annum plus domestic fees for a period of three years
Hours: Full Time
Closes: Until the position is filled
Project Description
Applicants are invited (NZ citizens, permanent residents and international students) for a fully-funded PhD studentship in the School of Engineering of the University of Waikato, in the field of powder metallurgy of advanced materials. The research project is funded by US Air Force, Basic Research of Asian Office of Aerospace R&D, will develop an advanced heat sink composite materials through powder metallurgy route, understand the microstructural evolution and factors affecting composite materials interface formation during the process, enabling increased control over interface quality through the optimisation of processing methods, and overcome the technical challenges for producing composites with high thermal conductivity.
GTP and IIS-FJD get a grant from Mutua Madrileña Foundation

GTP and IIS-FJD get a grant from Mutua Madrileña Foundation
Researchers from the Group of Powder Technologies (GTP) of the University Carlos III of Madrid in partnership with the Microbiologic Department of the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria of la Fundación Jiménez Díaz (IIS-FJD) has recently obtained a grant in the XVI Call for Health Research of Mutua Madrileña Foundation to conduct a project within 3 years entitled “Design of biodegradable and bactericide sol-gel coatings for the local prevention and treatment of infections associated with biomaterials of clinical devices”. The project is leaded by Antonia Jiménez-Morales at the UC3M and by Jaime Esteban Moreno at the IIS-FJD. Amaya García-Casas and John Jairo Aguilera Correa complete the research team that will be involved in the project. The IIS-FJD is an accredited health research institute, a requirement to request this grant.
Premio internacional de metalografía para el GTP
Premio internacional de metalografía para el GTP
El Congreso internacional POWDERMET2015, celebrado en San Diego (EE.UU.) el pasado mes de Mayo (del 12 al 15), un trabajo presentado por el GTP (por E. Bernardo, Andrea García-Galán, Mónica Campos y José M. Torralba), mereció la Distinción de Mérito por su buen uso de la metalografía en el análisis de un problema vinculado a la pulvimetalurgia, el “2025 Excellence in Metalography”
El GTP incluido en la lista de centros de excelencia de investigación de materiales duros por la EPMA.

Esta lista presenta una recopilación de las actividades de investigación actuales en centros de investigación europeos con reconocida experiencia en el desarrollo de aspectos fundamentales y aplicados de las tecnologías de materiales duros.
Estos centros destacan por su carácter potenciador en el desarrollo de redes, enlaces e interacciones formales entre organizaciones industriales y proveedores de investigación en toda Europa.
XVI JORNADA DE MATERIALES-Materiales para los Retos de la Sociedad: MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE
XVI JORNADA DE MATERIALES-Materiales para los Retos de la Sociedad: MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE
Last 5th April, MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE programm will celebrate the Second Edition of the Annual Meeting, in the framework of the XVI Jornada de Materiales of the UC3M, in collaboration with the “Álvaro Alonso Barba” Technological Institute of Chemistry and Materials. The meeting was structured in the priority areas of the program: Clean Transport, Sustainable Energy and Health and Well-Being. Students from the program presented the advances in their research through a dynamical and enthusiastic format. The Meeting was a Great success.
Great success at the first annual meeting of MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE
Great success at the first annual meeting of MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE
On Thursday, April 28 was held the first annual meeting of the R&D program on technologies MULTIMAT-CHALLENGE (www.multimat.org), funded by the Regional Government of Madrid and led by the Group of Powder Technologies (GTP) of the University Carlos III of Madrid. The meeting, held within the framework of the Materials Week (Excellence Moncloa Campus), was conceived as a scientific workshop to keep in contact the researchers participating in the program and representatives of partner companies, and to share the advanced and numerous research topics that are being developed within the program in the three areas of interest: transport, energy and health. The meeting attracted more than 120 participants, including PhD students of the participating groups, as well as master and pregraduate students of the participating universities. Read more+
The biannual JR EUROMAT conference, organized by FEMS, is addressed to young material scientists and engineers (Master and PhD students, and post-docs). The aim is to offer the students a first international experience to present their research works and develop their communicative skills with other scientists. The 13th edition will be hosted by Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne from 10th to 14th of July 2016 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The Spanish Material Society, Sociemat, organized a poster competition with two inscriptions to the JR EUROMAT 2016 conference as awards. The requirements were to submit a poster that has already been presented in an International Conference during 2015, one of the authors to be less than 28 years old, and another one to be an active member of Sociemat.
Amaya García and Julia Ureña, PhD students of the Powder Technology Group (GTP) at the University Carlos III de Madrid, were awarded for the following posters:
Corrossion behaviour of Ti and Ti reinforced by addition of ceramic particles obtained by combination of Coloidal and Powder metallurgy techniques - EuroPM 2015
R.G. Neves, E.Tabares, B. Ferrari, A.J. Sánchez Herencia, A. García-Casas, A. Jiménez Morales, E. Gordo
Surface modification of powder metallurgy Titanium by chemical diffusion of Mo for biomedical applications - Titanium Europe 2015
J. Ureña, S.A. Tsipas, B. Ferrari, A. Jiménez Morales, E. Gordo
Un gran día para el GTP: Premios Extraordinarios de Doctorado y Doctorados Honoris Causa.
Un gran día para el GTP: Premios Extraordinarios de Doctorado y Doctorados Honoris Causa.
El pasado viernes 29 de Enero, Día de la Universidad (Celebración del Día de Santo Tomás de Aquino, el 28) en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, fue un gran día de celebración para el Grupo de Tecnología de Polvos. En la misma ceremonia se dieron lugar dos hechos de gran relevancia y por los que el grupo se siente muy orgulloso.
Por un lado se les concedió el Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado a dos doctorandos del grupo, por sus tesis desarrolladas en los últimos años: la Dra. Elena Bernardo y el Dr. Mohhammad Ali Jabbari Taleghani. La Dra. Bernando, en la actualidad en AMES (Barcelona) y el Dr. Jabbari en TECMICRO (Madrid).
Además, en el mismo acto, se proclamó Doctores Honoris Causa por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid a los Profesores Herbert Danninger (de la TU Wien, Austria) y Alberto Molinari (Universidad degli studi di Trento, Italia). Los profesores Danninger y Molinari, colaboran con el GTP desde hace más de 18 años, especialmente a través de la Cátedra Höganäs y su relación con la Universidad y el grupo de investigación ha sido muy intensa y fructífera. La Laudatio la pronunció la Profesora Mónica Campos.
Nuevas cerámicas obtenidas por “Powder Injection Moulding” (PIM) mediante un ligante ecológico.
Nuevas cerámicas obtenidas por “Powder Injection Moulding” (PIM) mediante un ligante ecológico.
Investigadores del GTP (Carolina Abajo, Antonia Jiménez-Morales y José Manuel Torralba), en el marco del proyecto ECOPIN, en el que han participado las empresas ALFA MIM y Guzmán Global, han desarrollado por Powder Injection Moulding (PIM) un material cerámico basado en el Silicato de Zirconio (Zircón) de excelentes propiedades mecánicas y alta resistencia al desgaste.