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Grammar, Lexis, Discourse and History

Group head:
Mª Pilar Garcés, José Antonio Pascual Rodríguez

Lines of research

  • History of Spanish, lexicography, historical lexicography, linguistic historiography
  • Lexis, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis
  • Syntactic theory, Spanish syntax, relationship between lexis and grammar, teaching Spanish as a foreign language, lexicography applied to the teaching of Spanish
  • History of cities in the Middle Ages, history of women in the Middle Ages, historical semantics
  • Lexical semantics, the relationship between grammar and lexis
  • Historical lexicography, relationships between grammar and lexis, history of language
  • The Spanish language, lexicalisation, collocations, verb-noun combinations

Contact email:


  • Azofra Sierra, María Elena
  • Bustos Plaza, Alberto
  • Fuente Pérez, María Jesús
  • Garcés Gómez, María Pilar
  • Gutiérrez Cuadrado, Juan
  • Martín Gascueña, Rosa
  • Morimoto, Yuko
  • Azofra Sierra, María Elena
  • Pascual Rodríguez, José Antonio
  • Pavón Lucero, María Victoria
  • Suárez Hernández, Ariana
Links of interest