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Estudiantes de doctorado

Alva Mendoza, Almen Jair

Imagen de Jair Mendoza
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  • Research interests:  I am interested in political behaviour, political parties, public opinion, and multi-level politics. Currently, I am working on FEDCRISIS, a research project that aims to study to what extent an economic crisis, an external shock or a scenario of political polarization determines the functioning of territorial and decentralized models. In line with that project, I will develop my Ph.D. dissertation on individuals' attitudes toward territorial models in Latin America.

Bedasheva, Olena

Imagen de Olena Bedasheva

Brassac, Pierre

Imagen de Pierre Brassac
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  • Research interests: households' asset portfolio & wealth inequality in Western Europe & the U.S.A. since the late 19th century.

Caro Sachetti, Florencia

Imagen de Florencia Caro
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  • Research interests:Florencia's research experience and interests span across various fields, including labour inclusion, gender, migration, the care economy and social protection. Her PhD research sheds light on the job mobility patterns of migrant domestic workers. More precisely, she explores whether domestic work is a stepping stone or a trap in the labour market for migrants vis-a-vis native women amidst different economic, policy and technological cycles. 

Carrero Rodríguez, Javier

Imagen de Javier Carrero
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  • Research interests: Since 2018 I have worked at the Discrimination and Inequality Lab (D-Lab, UC3M), where we study discrimination in the labor market, mainly related to ethnicity. My research interests also include gender discrimination, social inequality, the welfare state and electoral behavior.

Catelén, Ana Laura

Imagen de Ana Laura Catelén
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  • Research interests: My research interests focus on the combination of macroeconomics, development, history, and political science. In particular, I am interested in Latin American and Argentinean economic history from the late 19th century to the present. Under the supervision of Esteban Nicolini, my dissertation focuses on the effects of economic policy on the cyclical dynamics of the Argentinian economy.

Dolan, Leo

Imagen de Leo Dolan
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  • Research interests: I’m interested in how both today and throughout history we can observe huge variations in the relationship between companies and their workforces as well as wider society. My PhD focuses on the period when we arguably saw these relationships at the most extreme – the African colonial state. Creating insight into the mechanisms that determine such differences has involved modelling labour market conditions, understanding institutional contexts and changes, analysing different measures of firm’s profitability as well as constructing various worker welfare estimates over time.

Fang, Boyu

Imagen de Boyu Fang
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  • Research interests: My current research interest is in “Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia”. In particular, I am interested in their migration experience, remittance pattern and business success. My previous research focuses on immigrant entrepreneurship of Chinese students studying abroad. I found that the international mobility experience significantly promotes the entrepreneurial intention of Chinese students studying abroad.

Femi-Oladunni, Opeyemi Afolabi

Imagen de Opeyemi Femi-Oladunni
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  • Research interests: My research interests are in examining social history, economic inequality during the inter-war years, and the development of human capital in rural institutions using micro evidence.

Fernández Caba, Rodrigo

Imagen de Rodrigo Fernández
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  • Research interests: I'm a PhD candidate with very broad interests. From a theoretical perspective, I'm very interested in political philosophy and political theory. However, there are two main fields of empirical research I am very keen on, namely: political psychology and comparative politics. From an individual perspective, I am mostly interested in the relationship between voters and parties, how the former process political information and how biases affect this process, and how the latter can influence voter's decisions. I study topics like party competition and electoral behavior from a political psychology perspective. More specifically, right now I am focused on the potential consequences of affective polarization.

Fernández Gutiérrez, Álvaro

Imagen de Álvaro Fernández
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  • Research interests: My research interest is mainly focused on electoral behavior and public opinion. In my current research I study the impact of the political context on the formation of green attitudes in a cross-national perspective and at the individual level, and how these attitudes moderate the vote, defining a new axis of electoral competition. As secondary research interests, I am interested in affective polarization and its effects on attitudes formation, and how exogenous shocks affect electoral behavior and change perceptions and values. 

Forero Torres, David Fernando

Imagen de David Forero
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  • Research interests: I am interested in Industrialization, structural change, Latin American economy, History of economic development, Latin American regional integration, and external trade diversification.

García Aguirre, Aitor

Imagen de Aitor García
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  • Research interests: I am mainly interested in fields at the intersection of health, family, and stratification. More specifically I am working on the role of childhood cultural capital and socio-economic status in the explanation of health behavior at older ages.

Gonzales Santisteban, Sara Ynés

Imagen de Sara Ynés Gonzales
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  • Research interests: I am a Peruvian economist doing a PhD in Social Science at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where I also did a master’s in social science.  I am currently working on DEEPEN,  a NORFACE-funded research project (2020-2023) that explores the democratic governance of capital-funded occupational pension schemes in Europe. For my PhD, I study socio-economic gaps in workers' participation in private pension schemes in 10 European countries.  More generally, I am interested in the fields of sociological analysis, comparative politics, and quantitative methods applied to sociology.

Jen, Yu-Chien

Imagen de Yu-Chien Jen
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  • Research interests: Trained as an environmental economist at both bachelor and master degrees, I have been developing my interests in both Environmental and Agricultural History. Therefore, my PhD degree is in Economic History and specializes in these two subjects, aggregating with advanced traditional historical research methodology acquired at the courses offered by the Institute of History during my undergraduate studies.

Kaushik, Kavyanjali

Imagen de Kavyanjali Kaushik
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  • Research interests: My research explores how digital technologies shape identities and voting behaviour. Research interests include: Social media and nationalism, identity expression online, digital political communication, radical-right parties and movements.

Labat Frugoni, Juan

Imagen de Juan Labat
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  • Research interests: My main motivation is to investigate the relationship between economic growth/social prosperity, environmental impact and sustainability, from a long run perspective.My research focuses on understanding how different societies have related with the environment and trying to determine if this relation is sustainable or not. , To achieve this goalI understand that a historic perspective is necessary and demands research in at least two areas: 1) Understanding and measuring environmental impacts from societies in certain periods of time; 2) Understanding and measuring if those societies were in a sustainable path in the period of time under consideration.

Lenoir-Legrand Pons, Ricardo

Imagen de Ricardo Lenoir-Legrand
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  • Research interests: 1º Disruptive narratives: destabilisation of democratic systems via disinformation campaigns. How this type of actions can change population decisions over social debates. 2º Russia penetration in the Baltic states communication sphere: media and communication campaigns to enhance conservative values against pro western optics. 3º Hybrid warfare: disinformation warfare, asymmetric, non-linear, irregular, unconventional or hybrid. Review of new warfare techniques and its deployment as a part of Russia´s foreign policy.

López Blanco, José David

Imagen de José David López
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  • Research interests: My research focuses on migration and ethnic relations. In his thesis "Beyond the dichotomy: Reframing Internal and International Migrations", he aims to bridge the traditional division between both categories of migrations as two different, and practically isolated, bodies of research. He is also interested in demographic topics such as fertility intentions and comparative sociological studies in southern European countries.

Mahmoud, Isabel

Imagen de Isabel Mahmoud
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  • Research interests: I am interested in studying: 1º The interplay between the demand for and supply of the far-right populist parties in Europe. 2º The interplay between regional-level and national-level politics. 3º Social norms and political beliefs’ building and updating processes, and the role of media in shaping both. 4º Multiple identities and intersectionality, the determinants and consequences of discrepancies between perceived and actual levels of discrimination, and their impact on political behaviour.

Maycas Sardi, José Ignacio

Imagen de José Ignacio Maycas
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  • Research interests: My research interest lies in the fields of comparative politics, political socialization and identity politics based on social interactions and the formation of groups and norms. My dissertation aims to explore how contextual changes affect the local community and its socialization dynamics. In the first project, I focus on the impact of tourist exposure on civic norms. To do so I take advantage of a quasi-experimental scenario that led some Spanish municipalities to be exposed to an increasing trend of transient population during the last decades.

Muñiz Mejuto, Ángel

Imagen de Ángel Muñiz

Nadaraia, Khatia

Imagen de Khatia Nadaraia
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  • Research interests: Khatia Nadaraia is a predoctoral fellow at University Carlos III Madrid. Herresearch interests include early childhood experiences and adult outcomes;social sources of stress and health inequalities; as well as individual perceptualfactors that make psychological stress stressful. Specifically, she is interested in which exogenous regularities operate nowadays that create recurrent psychological stress, and thus have severe consequences on population health and well-being. Her PhD thesis, supervised by Professor Javier Garcia Polavieja de Perera, draws on the interdisciplinary framework of stress research, and investigates the lasting consequences of early childhood material  deprivation on self-regulation (depressed mood) and cognitive aging in later life. PhD Thesis Working Title: Social Background, early-experiences, and adult health outcomes.

Núñez Alañón, Lidia

Imagen de Lidia Núñez
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  • Research interests: My primary areas of interest lie in political behavior, particularly the process of forming political attitudes. As a result, I have a special focus on studies related to socialization and youth, and I consider a gender perspective crucial in this context. Consequently, my thesis will delve into the gender gap in political attitudes, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of its origins and determining factors.

Perales Oliver, Nadal

Imagen de Nadal Perales
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  • Research interests: Collective action, civil society, and mobilization: determinants of collective behaviour. Focus on historical and civic legacies: social capital persistence and formation. Impact of the meso-level order (e.g., groups, ego networks, and social media) and spill over effects on individual preferences and identities. Transformation of the global workforce and the future of employment: impact of globalization, multilateralism, automation, and remoteness, along with demographic transformations, on welfare regimes, industrial relations, employment structures and workers’ decisions. The role of social care in ageing employment structures and societies in general. New scenario that calls for new and more encompassing social policies (e.g., Universal Basic Income). Social isolation and (perceived) individual security.

Rubio Cabáñez, María

Imagen de María Rubio
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  • Research interests: My primary research interest consists in analyzing how environmental factors affect children’s health. Concretely, I focus on several mechanisms through which environment could affect individuals from different social classes from while in utero until childhood. In the first project, I concentrate on the prenatal period, analyzing how access to the mechanisms through which mothers protect themselves from extreme temperatures during pregnancy affects the health at birth of the newborns depending on their socioeconomic status. Specifically, I study how changes in energy prices affect birth outcomes through their effect on mothers’ exposure to extreme temperatures, differentiating by socioeconomic status. In the second project, I focus on the childhood period. In particular, I study how the presence of outdoor areas, such as parks, affects the well-being of children depending on their socioeconomic status. Furthermore, I also analyze whether the effect of outdoor areas differs depending on the characteristics of the neighborhood where children live.

San Román del Pozuelo, Álvaro

Imagen de Álvaro San Román
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  • Research interests: I am mostly interested in the political consequences of public expenditure in multi-level political systems. I have mainly worked at the intersection of national Welfare states and the EU, both from demand-side and supply-side scopes. The guiding research questions I would like to study in my PhD Thesis are the following: How do European Funds affect European citizens' attitudes and behaviors, as Europeanism? How do citizens attribute responsibility to different levels of government when expenditure is partly exogenous –as international or interregional redistributive mechanisms? How does multi-level public policy is interpreted by voters?

Sánchez Pérez, David

Imagen de David Sánchez
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  • Research interests: I am currently working on the Gender Empowerment Through Politics in Classroom (G-EPIC) project, where we are studying gendered political inequality from an intersectional perspective. My research interests also include political socialization and Affective Intelligence Theories."

Serrano Serrat, Josep

Imagen de Josep Serrano
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  • Research interests: My primary research interest consists in analyzing the role of different types of skills on political preferences, focusing on contextual factors that shape this relation. Concretely, engaging in the debates about specific skills and redistribution preferences I analyze how this relation is moderated by occupational context. In a second project, I analyze how changes in occupational unemployment rates drive anti-immigration attitudes, showing that they have a stronger effect the greater the amount of occupation-specific skills. I show that professionals and managers are the groups more affected by changes in the occupational context. I have presented my work at the annual meetings of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), the Society for the Advancement for Socio-Economics (SASE), and the SASE/Digit Early Career Workshop.

Suero García, Cristina

Imagen de Cristina Suero
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  • Research interests: I am currently working on her doctoral thesis titled “A reversal in the Spanish fertility trends? An exploration about how a shift in the educational level of the population may affect fertility trends”. Her research interests focus on family sociology, patterns of family formation and global changes in family structures. She is also interested on the causes and consequences of low and late fertility in Europe, the use of new reproductive technologies and contraceptive behavior.

Varela García, Nicolás

Imagen de Nicolás Varela
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  • Research interests: My research focuses on the political economy of Spanish monetary policy during the Franco dictatorship. I explore three main topics: the economic repercussions of decisions about monetary policy, the political dynamics behind monetary policy, and the evolution of the firms’ market power that led to the international opening of the Spanish market during the Franco era.

Villegas Santana, Raúl

Imagen de Raúl Villegas
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  • Research interests: My research interests focus on social mobility, social stratification, sociology of work and public opinion. I aim to take an interdisciplinary approach with a sociological grounding in order to understand different trends in public opinion on political issues.

Yükçü, Onur

Imagen de Onur Yucku
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  • Research interests:My research interests are history of markets and historical political economy of developing World. My doctoral research explores commodity market integration and changing merchant profiles in Turkey during the nation-building process.