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The objective of the Master in Health and Market Access (Pharmaco-Economics) Evaluation is to provide a solid education on economic evaluation of health technologies and market access of medicines and medical devices. It has an orientation very applied to solving practical problems faced by all agents involved: public health administrations, businesses, professionals and technicians, researchers and consumers.

It aims to provide technical knowledge and practical skills necessary to master the methods of economic evaluation and negotiations sustain continuously professionalize.

The ultimate aim is to encourage innovation, market access and enjoyment without delay by patients effective and efficient drugs and medical devices.

To this end his teachings articulate knowledge and practical skills in the following fields:

  • Introductory Lectures leveling.
  • Economic evaluation of medicines and health products
  • Health outcomes research, applied also to the pharmaceutical field.
  • Market access to medicines and health products
  • Socioeconomic characteristics of the pharmaceutical sector.