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Mochila Digital Universitaria

  • Masters
  • Mochila Digital Universitaria
mochila digital
mochila digital - ladillo

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid joins the new lifelong learning program ''Mochila Digital Universitaria'' common to all universities in Madrid that will offer the same 200-hour (20 ECTS) degree with the aim of enhancing the digital skills of students and improve their employability.

This program is part of the continuing education courses of the universities, and its title (CAPACITA D) will allow the employer to know the level of digital skills of university students on a scale of 1 to 4, as happens with foreign languages.Sign up for the Mochila digital

It is aimed at those students who have completed 50 percent of the credits of the Degree or Double Degree and graduates of the first year, for a single price of 500 euros. 

> Leading companies in the sector support and are part of this new pioneering training program promoted by the Community of Madrid.

  • 200-hour (20 ECTS) continuing education program
  • Aimed at students who have passed 50% of ECTS and first year graduates
  • Different levels of training
  • UC3M teaching and leading companies in their sector
  • Semi face-to-face, with limited places
  • Single price of 500 euros
  • Study aid plan

mochila digital

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