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Participation channels


In creating the Plan, great care was taken to communicate and disseminate information through the use of a special website, so that the entire University Community had the opportunity to actively participate in the Plan’s creation, as individuals or as part of a collective.

Imagen Ideas UC3M

Open participation channel

In order to prepare this Plan an open participation process created a special channel available to the University community: the “Ideas UC3M” platform, a social network that allowed the University’s stakeholders to express their ideas regarding the strategic plan and the challenges that were first presented. Because it was an open process, all ideas could be debated and improved upon collectively; in addition, new ideas could be proposed and receive collective feedback from the team in charge of developing the Plan.

This participation channel was the listening and debate system that nourished the subsequent prioritizing and decision-making process carried out by UC3M’s governing bodies, as can be seen in the process plan (see Figure 3). This experience of open participation helped all of those involved to learn collectively, and to improve the tools that facilitate the entire University Community’s participation in UC3M governance.

Channel for participation of the units that make up UC3M

The different academic units, along with those of administrative and service personnel (Departments, Centers, Services, etc.) contributed to the creation of the Strategic Plan, bringing in their ideas and proposals as institutional teams that make up the University, and are the motors of the new Plan. 

The personnel from the different units were able to collectively reflect, selecting those challenges that are most closely connected to their area of responsibility, as well as having the opportunity to propose another different challenge.

The units that responded did so through the heads of their units using a document that presented the team’s contributions to the Plan. In the case of the services, the reflection was collective and a single document was received.

Open meetings with experts and benchmarking

Six open meeting sessions were held, with talks by experts and/or alumni and subsequent debates with participants from the University Community, in order to explain the different approaches and experiences (benchmarking) that had been the inspiration for the UC3M Plan.