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Workshop on Microwave Photonics

CARTEL Workshop on Microwave Photonics Alter-ETSIT

Event Date: 25 November 2022
Event Time: 09:30 AM CEST

ORGANIZA: Cátedra ALTER en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, UPM
REGISTRO: El workshop será presencial y online, en ambos casos registro en:
ONLINE: se utilizará la plataforma Zoom


9:30 h
Manuel Sierra, Director of ETSIT Telecomunicación UPM
Demetrio López, Innovation Director of Alter Technology
Ignacio Esquivias, Director of Cátedra ALTER-ETSIT

9:40 h
José Capmany, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
Principles and fundamentals of Microwave Photonics

10:20 h
Guillermo Carpintero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
About waves and chips: Integrated microwave photonics

11:00 h
Coffee Break

11:30 h
Aintzane Lujambio, ALTER Technology (Sevilla, Spain)
Microwaves in Space and now, Microwave Photonics too!

12:10 h
Paolo Ghelfi, CNIT - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Tele-comunicazioni and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy)
Photonics for satellite radars: the SPACEBEAM project

12:50 h
David Sánchez Montero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
Analog Radio-over-Fiber in Access Networks Fronthauling Towards 5G supported by Power-over-Fiber

13:30 h
Conclusion - Cocktail