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Fraunhofer HHI presents TERAmeasure photonic components at ECOC2022 exhibit

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  • Fraunhofer HHI presents TERAmeasure photonic components at ECOC2022 exhibit
TERAmeasure workshop organized at ECOC2022

Fraunhofer HHI presents TERAmeasure photonic components at ECOC2022 exhibit

Date: 19th to 21st of September, 2022


Within the international conference European Conference on Optical Communication 2022 (ECOC2022), Fraunhofer HHI presents the latest developments in Photonic Components and Photonic Networks and Systems at Fraunhofer Booth 311. Among the component at the exhibit is TERAmeasure self-calibrated laser source, utilizing Fraunhofer HHI unique hybrid integration technology PolyBoard micro-optical bench which allowing the precise wavelength read out through thin film filters, etalons and photodiodes.

Further details can be found at:


Panel Fraunhofer