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THESIS TALK 2017-2018. Present your research in 3 minutes

Thesis Talk

The final session of Thesis Talk took place on July 13 at the Conference Hall in Puerta de Toledo. Thesis Talk is the annual event at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, in which our Ph.D. students present their research projects before a non-specialist audience in just 3 minutes.

This year, the jury recognized the following presentations with prizes of 900, 600 and 300 euro, respectively:

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We congratulate all students who shared with us the what, how, and why of their research project and their main contribution to society in just three minutes. Check out the rest of presentations:

Engineering and Science


  • Materials Science and Engineering

Procesamiento y modificación superficial de aleaciones de Ti-Nb obtenidas por técnicas pulvimetalúrgicas. Caterina Chirico

Materiales estructurales para centrales nucleares. Juan Alberto Meza

Nuevas estrategias para la fabricación de componentes y estructuras aeronáuticas mediante manufactura aditiva de hilo de aluminio. Paula Rodríguez

Design and development of MAX phase materials by PIM technology. Eduardo Tabares Lorenzo


  • Computer Science and Technology

Optimization of requirements engineering. Daniel Adanza

Evolution of deep learning models. Alejandro Baldominos

Empowering end-users to create interactive and realistic augmented reality experiences. Álvaro Montero

Domain-independent counterplanning. Alberto Pozanco

Robótica social autónoma como motivación en terapias de rehabilitación físico-cognitiva. José Carlos Pulido

Designing new high performance computing techniques for faster and safer X-Ray tomography. Estefanía Serrano


  • Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Alohomora, biometric apps and where to find them. Barbara Corsetti

New tools for the planning and operation of future electricity smart grids. Alberto Escalera

Buenas vibraciones. Álvaro García López

Estudio de la actividad de descargas parciales en aislamiento eléctrico de motores de baja tensión accionados por inversores. Manuel Gómez de la Calle

La fibra óptica, más que una revolución en las comunicaciones. Juan Dayron López Cardona

Reconocimiento de violencia doméstica mediante wearables inteligentes. José Ángel Miranda Calero

Active control of smart grids. Brenda Rojas


  • Mathematical Engineering

Liquid crystals: finding structures and searching for answers. Ariel Díaz de Armas

Palindromic companion quadratifications for matrix polynomials. Carla Hernando

El futuro de la salud preventiva. David Martín-Corral

Combining classifiers. Maicol Jesús Ochoa


  • Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization

Desafíos en el diseño industrial de nuevas estructuras poliméricas 3D: cómo controlar y predecir su comportamiento mecánico. Sara Garzón


  • Telematic Engineering

Listening to the ocean. Elizaveta Dubrovinskaya

¿Te gustaría saber el dinero que estás generando para Internet? José González Cabañas

Artificial Intelligence and analytics for a better Internet. Ignacio Martín

Optimising the delivery of multimedia over mobile networks. Foivos Michelinakis


  • Fluid Mechanics

Mathematical modelling of a membraneless redox flow battery. Désirée Ruiz


  • Multimedia and Communication

Clasificación con máquinas de aprendizaje en problemas desequilibrados. Alexander Benítez Buenache

Fundamental limits of short-packet wireless communications. Alejandro Lancho

Comunicaciones saludables a través de la luz. Víctor Monzón

Visible light communication. Ahmad Adnan Qidan

Harnessing bursty interference. Grace Villacrés

Massive and milllimeter wave (mmWave) MIMO for 5G. Hemalatha Vulchi

Full sessions



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